
Add your favorite Lodash methods for Arrays & Strings Because JavaScript should have them by default.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import lodashPrototypes from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/lodash-prototypes';


Lodash Prototypes

Add your favorite Lodash methods for Arrays & Strings Because JavaScript should have them by default.


Import package once on your node server and/or client JavaScript bundle.



Babel ES6+

import 'lodash-prototypes';


String Example:

'helloWorld'.startCase() === 'Hello World'

Available string methods

  1. camelCase
  2. capitalize
  3. deburr
  4. escape
  5. escapeRegExp
  6. kebabCase
  7. lowerCase
  8. lowerFirst
  9. pad
  10. snakeCase
  11. startCase
  12. template
  13. toLower
  14. toUpper
  15. truncate
  16. unescape
  17. upperCase
  18. upperFirst
  19. words

Array Example:

[1,2,2].uniq() // [1,2]

Available array methods

  1. chunk
  2. compact
  3. difference
  4. differenceBy
  5. differenceWith
  6. drop
  7. dropRight
  8. dropRightWhile
  9. dropWhile
  10. fill
  11. findIndex
  12. findLastIndex
  13. first
  14. flatten
  15. flattenDeep
  16. flattenDepth
  17. fromPairs
  18. head
  19. initial
  20. intersection
  21. intersectionBy
  22. intersectionWith
  23. last
  24. lastIndexOf
  25. nth
  26. pull
  27. pullAll
  28. pullAllBy
  29. pullAllWith
  30. pullAt
  31. remove
  32. sortedIndex
  33. sortedIndexBy
  34. sortedIndexOf
  35. sortedLastIndex
  36. sortedLastIndexBy
  37. sortedLastIndexOf
  38. tail
  39. take
  40. takeRight
  41. takeRightWhile
  42. takeWhile
  43. union
  44. unionBy
  45. unionWith
  46. uniq
  47. uniqBy
  48. uniqWith
  49. unzip
  50. unzipWith
  51. without
  52. xor
  53. xorBy
  54. xorWith
  55. zip
  56. zipObject
  57. zipObjectDeep
  58. zipWith

Happy Coding!