A simple, flexible, and highly configurable progress bar plugin.
You can choose to move automatically or manually.
1.安装 Install
2.使用 Usage
[2.1.引入 Import](#2.1 引入-Import)
[2.2.配置 Configuration](#2.2 配置-Configuration)
[2.3.自动 Automatically](#2.3 使用进度自动走动)
[2.4.手动 Manually](#2.4 手动调整进度条)
[2.5.complete & fail](#2.5 使用complete和fail方法)
[2.6.oncomplete](#2.6 使用oncomplete属性)
3.API 列表 API List
[3.1.方法 method](#3.1 方法列表:)
[3.2.配置属性 Configuration](#3.2 配置属性列表:)
npm install log-progress
2.1 引入-Import
const progress=require('log-progress');
2.2 配置-Configuration
//这并不是必须的,因为所有的配置参数都不是必须的 //This is not necessary because all configuration parameters are not required. progress.config({ //请参阅3.2中的属性列表 //See attributes list in 3.2 });
2.3 使用进度自动走动
当使用默认配置,或设置 auto=true时,会启动一个自己走动的进度条
2.3 Using the progress automatically
When using the default configuration, or setting auto=true, a self-propelled progress bar will be launched.
When using auto=true, the parameter time indicates the interval between moves, and the parameter add indicates the value of each walk.
const progress=require('log-progress'); //start方法 支持所有 config方法 的配置属性 //start method supports configuration properties of all config methods progress.start({ auto:true, time:20 }); //或者使用默认属性,默认情况下进度条就是会自动走动的 // Or use the default properties, the progress bar will automatically move by default //progress.start(); //1秒钟后暂停走动 // pause after 1 second setTimeout(function(){ progress.pause(200); },1000); //2秒钟后恢复走动 //Resume after 2 seconds setTimeout(function(){ //start方法用作恢复走动时不支持配置属性 //start method is used to restore configuration when support configuration is not supported progress.start(); },2000); //当进度条走完时,会自动调用complete方法 // When the progress bar is finished, the complete method will be called automatically
The effect chart is as follows
2.4 手动调整进度条
当设置 auto=false 时,进入手动模式,进度条不会自己走动,需要调用setValue() 方法手动调整进度条
当设置 auto=false 时,time参数和add参数不起作用。
2.4 Manually adjusting the progress bar
When setting auto=false, enter manual mode, the progress bar will not move by itself, you need to call the setValue() method to manually adjust the progress bar.
When setting auto=false, the time parameter and the add parameter do not work.
const progress=require('log-progress'); progress.start({ auto:false, value:0, total:99, info:'show some mes', ontick:function(value,percent){ this.setInfo('File downloading:'+percent+'% completed') } }) doSomething(); function doSomething(){ setTimeout(function(){ if(!progress.isCompleted()){ progress.addValue(random(1,5)) //or use //progress.setValue(progress.getValue()+random(1,5),''); doSomething(); } },random(40,100))//simulate some delay }; //随机数 //random number function random(a, b) { return (a + Math.round(Math.random() * (b - a))) };
The effect chart is as follows
2.5 使用complete和fail方法
2.5 Using the complete and fail methods
Using the complete method, you can successfully complete the progress in advance.
Using the fail method to end the progress with a failed result when the progress cannot be completed
const progress=require('log-progress'); progress.start({ auto:false, value:0, total:99, info:'show some mes', ontick:function(value,percent){ this.setInfo('File downloading:'+percent+'% completed') } }) doSomething(); let flag=null; function doSomething(){ setTimeout(function(){ progress.addValue(random(1,5)) if(progress.getPercent()>80){ if(flag===null){ flag=random(0, 100) if(flag>60) progress.complete('加载完成 complete'); else'分数不够,加载失败 fail'); return } } doSomething(); },random(40,100)) }; function random(a, b) { return (a + Math.round(Math.random() * (b - a))) };
complete 效果
complete effect
fail 效果
fail effect
2.6 使用oncomplete属性
2.6 Using the oncomplete attribute
Use oncomplete to trigger some actions after the progress bar is completed.
const progress=require('log-progress'); progress.start({ auto:true, time:20, oncomplete:function(){ console.log();//换行 nextline this.start({ title:'Second progress', time:30 }); } });
oncomplete 效果
oncomplete effect
3.Api 列表
3.1 方法列表:
3.Api list
3.1 method list:
方法 | 参数 | 返回值 | 描述 |
config() | [object] | -- | 配置一些基础信息 |
start() | [object] | -- | 初始化或启动progress |
pause() | -- | -- | 初始化或启动progress |
complete() | [string] | -- | 完成一个进度 |
fail() | [string] | -- | 以失败结束一个进度 |
setTitle() | string | -- | 设置标题 |
setTime() | number | -- | 设置进度条走动的间隔时间 |
setValue() | number[,string] | number | 设置进度条的值,返回进度条的值 第二个参数是info,详情见3.2 |
getValue() | -- | number | 获取进度条的值 |
addValue() | number[,string] | number | 增加进度条的值,返回进度条的值 第二个参数是info,详情见3.2 |
setTotal() | number | -- | 设置进度条的最大值 |
getTotal() | -- | number | 获取进度条的最大值 |
getPercent() | -- | number | 获取进度条百分比 |
setInfo() | string | -- | 设置进度条的显示信息 |
isInit() | -- | boolean | 获取进度条是否已经初始化 |
isPause() | -- | boolean | 获取进度条是否处于暂停状态 |
isCompleted() | -- | boolean | 获取进度是否已经完成 |
method | arguments | return | description |
config() | [object] | -- | Configure some basic information |
start() | [object] | -- | Initialize or start progress |
pause() | -- | -- | Initialize or start progress |
complete() | [string] | -- | Complete a progress |
fail() | [string] | -- | End a progress with failure |
setTitle() | string | -- | Set Title |
setTime() | number | -- | Set the interval at which the progress bar moves |
setValue() | number[,string] | number | Set the value of the progress bar, return the value of the progress bar The second parameter is info, see 3.2 |
getValue() | -- | number | Get the value of the progress bar |
addValue() | number[,string] | number | Increase the value of the progress bar, return the value of the progress bar The second parameter is info, see 3.2 for details. |
setTotal() | number | -- | Set the maximum value of the progress bar |
getTotal() | -- | number | Get the maximum value of the progress bar |
getPercent() | -- | number | Get progress bar percentage |
setInfo() | string | -- | Set the display information of the progress bar |
isInit() | -- | boolean | Get the progress bar initialized |
isPause() | -- | boolean | Get the progress bar in pause state |
isCompleted() | -- | boolean | Get progress has been completed |
3.2 配置属性列表:
3.2 Configuration attributes list:
属性 | 类型 | 缺省值 | 描述 |
title | string | 'Progress' | 进度条前面的标题 |
length | number | 50 | 进度条的长度 |
value | number | 0 | 进度条起始值 |
total | number | 100 | 进度条总值 |
auto | boolean | true | 进度条是否自己走动 |
time | number | 200 | 进度条自己走动的间隔时间 |
ontick | function | null | 每次进度条走动的回调函数 this:progress 参数1:value,参数2:percent |
oncomplete | function | null | 进度条完成之后的回调函数 this:progress |
add | number | 1 | 进度条每次自己走动的值 |
showSpin | boolean | true | 是否在进度条前面加上一个旋转的动画 和成功或失败的头部字符 |
filledChar | string | '∎' | 已经完成的进度的字符 |
emptyChar | string | '-' | 未完成的进度的字符 |
completeTitle | string | 'Progress Completed' | 进度完成的提示文字 |
failTitle | string | 'Progress Failed' | 进度失败的提示文字 |
info | string | '' | 在进度条下一行显示一些信息 |
attribute | type | default | description |
title | string | 'Progress' | Title in front of the progress bar |
length | number | 50 | The length of the progress bar |
value | number | 0 | progress bar start value |
total | number | 100 | progress bar total value |
auto | boolean | true | Whether the progress bar walks by itself |
time | number | 200 | Interval time of the progress bar itself |
ontick | function | null | Callback function for each progress bar this:progress Parameter 1:value, parameter 2:percent |
oncomplete | function | null | callback function after progress bar completion this:progress |
add | number | 1 | The value of the progress bar each time you walk around |
showSpin | boolean | true | Is there a rotating animation and a successful or failed header character in front of the progress bar |
filledChar | string | '∎' | Character of completed progress |
emptyChar | string | '-' | Unfinished progress characters |
completeTitle | string | 'Progress Completed' | Tips for progress completion |
failTitle | string | 'Progress Failed' | Tips for progress failure |
info | string | '' | Show some information in the next line of the progress bar |