Generate logs in hierarchical tree structure
- Structure of logs should based on the flow of logic, not the time the log was generated
- Importance of logs should be determined by the end results achieved, not by arbitrary "log levels"
- Capturing of logs should be deliberate and selective, not rsysloged giant generic flat files
- Use promises or nested functions to generate logs in tree structure
- Automatically records execution time to find slow code
- Automatically log errors thrown and promises rejected
- Full log tree attached to any errors thrown to help with debugging
- Single file, no external dependencies
- TODO: Test browser compatibility
How to use
- Perform logging using
- Set additional properties after inital logging with
- Return
to the user
- Save
into a database
//Creates a new logger. All child loggers will reference this logger in its `_root` property.
// onLog: called when the log function is called on this or any of its child loggers
// onError: called when error is thrown or promise rejected in this or any of its child loggers
new TreeLog(options) -> logger
//Adds a new child to logger. The `result` property is set to the object / return value
logger.log(message) -> null
logger.log(message, object) -> object
logger.log(message, object, property_name) -> object[property_name]()
logger.log(message, object, property_name, [param_array]) -> object[property_name](param_array...)
//Adds a new child to logger. `func` is called with the new child logger as first parameter
logger.log(message, func) -> func()
//clones value and set it to logger
logger.set(key, value) -> value
//Sets the `result` property. Also updates `elapsedMS` with the time elapsed since logger is created
//Returns object with all properties with names beginning with _ stripped out.
logger.toJSON() -> object
//Returns cloned object with all properties with names beginning with _ stripped
//out and all cyclic references converted to string representation.
logger.toJSON() -> object
//Returns string representation of log.
logger.stringify(replacer, spaces)
Example in CoffeeScript
LogTree = require 'log-tree'
Promise = require 'bluebird'
options =
onLog: (log)-> console.log "[#{log.timestamp}] LOG: #{log.message}"
onError: (log)-> console.log "[#{log.timestamp}] ERR: #{log.message}\n#{log.stack}"
logger = new LogTree('Example', options)
logger.log 'Logging simple objects', process.versions
logger.log 'Nested logging', (logger) ->
logger.log 'Child log 1', (logger) ->
return 'Return value is logged'
logger.log 'Child log 2', (logger, done) ->
done 'Callback value is logged'
return 'Return value is ignored'
logger.log 'Logging with error thrown', (logger) ->
throw new Error('Error message')
catch err
#the full log can be found at err.logTree
#also, the error thrown is attached to the log
logger.log 'Logging with promises', (logger) ->
new Promise (resolve, reject) ->
logger.log 'This is the promised child'
setImmediate ()->
resolve 'The resolved value is captured'
return null
.then () ->
logger.log 'This is chained after the previous promise'
console.log 'This is the final tree structure generated'
console.log JSON.stringify logger._root, false, 4