
Gatsby command-line interface for creating new sites and running Gatsby commands

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import logafter from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/logafter';



The Gatsby command line interface (CLI). It is used to perform common functionality, such as creating a Gatsby application based on a starter, spinning up a hot-reloading local development server, and more!

Lets you create new Gatsby apps using Gatsby starters. It also lets you run commands on sites. The tool runs code from the gatsby package installed locally.

The Gatsby CLI (gatsby-cli) is packaged as an executable that can be used globally. The Gatsby CLI is available via npm and should be installed globally by running npm install -g gatsby-cli to use it locally.

Run gatsby --help for full help.

You can also use the package.json script variant of these commands, typically exposed for you with most starters. For example, if we want to make the gatsby develop command available in our application, we would open up package.json and add a script like so:

  "scripts": {
    "develop": "gatsby develop"


  1. new
  2. develop
  3. build
  4. serve
  5. clean
  6. plugin
  7. info
  8. repl


gatsby new gatsby-site

See the Gatsby starters docs for more.


At the root of a Gatsby app run gatsby develop to start the Gatsby development server.


Option Description Default
-H, --host Set host. localhost
-p, --port Set port. 8000
-o, --open Open the site in your (default) browser for you
-S, --https Use HTTPS

Follow the Local HTTPS guide to find out how you can set up an HTTPS development server using Gatsby.


At the root of a Gatsby app run gatsby build to do a production build of a site.


Option Description Default
--prefix-paths Build site with link paths prefixed (set pathPrefix in your config) false
--no-uglify Build site without uglifying JS bundles (for debugging) false
--open-tracing-config-file Tracer configuration file (OpenTracing compatible). See https://www.gatsbyjs.org/docs/performance-tracing/
--no-color, --no-colors Disables colored terminal output false


At the root of a Gatsby app run gatsby serve to serve the production build of the site


Option Description
-H, --host Set host. Defaults to localhost
-p, --port Set port. Defaults to 9000
-o, --open Open the site in your (default) browser for you
--prefix-paths Serve site with link paths prefixed (if built with pathPrefix in your gatsby-config.js).


At the root of a Gatsby app run gatsby clean to wipe out the cache (.cache folder) and public directories. This is useful as a last resort when your local project seems to have issues or content does not seem to be refreshing. Issues this may fix commonly include:

  • Stale data, e.g. this file/resource/etc. isn't appearing
  • GraphQL error, e.g. this GraphQL resource should be present but is not
  • Dependency issues, e.g. invalid version, cryptic errors in console, etc.
  • Plugin issues, e.g. developing a local plugin and changes don't seem to be taking effect


Run commands pertaining to gatsby plugins.


gatsby plugin docs

Directs you to documentation about using and creating plugins.


At the root of a Gatsby site run gatsby info to get helpful environment information which will be required when reporting a bug.


Option Description Default
-C, --clipboard Automagically copy environment information to clipboard false


Get a node repl with context of Gatsby environment