
More advanced tool for creating animated CLI log

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import logdock from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/logdock';




More advanced tool for creating updatable CLI log, including loaders, spinners, progress bars, groups, reports, etc.

Read Usage to best understood.

Api reference

.transform(handler : function | array<func>) : func

Specify message transformer. The handler accepts a message and returns transformed message. To keep together multiple transform logic should pass an array of transformers, which will be executed as a flow.

const log = require('logdock')
const chalk = require('chalk')

const beautyLog = log.transform([
  message => `[${message}]`,

log.group (name : string) : func

Create new log function, which already have static left part. Group has title, that usually is simple string. If group title must be styled, you may specify transform before.

const log = require('logdock')
const chalk = require('chalk')

const appLog = log
    message => ` ${message} `,

You also pass transform as second argument.

const appLog = log
  .group('MyApp', [
    message => ` ${message} `,


Configurate and create new log function. See Config options for ditails.

const log = require('logdock')

const summLog = log
    separator: ' + '
    separator: ' = '

summLog('3'); // 1 + 2 = 3


Create new log with custom stdout.

const log = require('logdock');

const wstream = fs.createWriteStream('output.txt');

const logToFile = log.stdout(wstream);


Specify custom output handler, which overrides internal output, and returns new log instance.

const log = require('logdock');

const myLog = log.output(msg => console.log(msg));

Using custom output handler makes log.stdout useless.



Link to the in-log pipe. Use it to translate any child-process stdout to the log.

const child = spawn('node',  ['some-child-process.js')], {
  stdio: [process.stdin, 'pipe', 'inherit']



Works only with default output!

Release selected unit. After this, the unit message will be added to CLI log and removed from docks. There are no more iteractions with such unit will happends. And trying to pass another message will gives no effect.

const log = require('../lib');
const chalk = require('chalk');

const progressLog = log.transform(chalk.bold);
const title = progressLog.transform(chalk.bold.green);
const logX = progressLog.group('X').transform(chalk.blue);
const logY = progressLog.group('Y').transform(chalk.blue);
const logZ = progressLog.group('Z').transform(chalk.blue);

title('Calc XYZ');

let x = 0;
let y = 0;
let z = 0;
const interval = setInterval(() => {

  if (x >= 100) {
  if (y >= 100) {
  if (z >= 100) {

  x += 1;
  y += 2;
  z += 4;

  if (x > 100 && y > 100 && z > 100) {
}, 10);


hideEmpty (default: true)

If log accepts empty string, then its groups will be hidden.

const pure = log
    hideEmpty: false

const unpure = log
    hideEmpty: true

pure(''); // [Will displays nothing]
unpure(''); // Unpure:

separator (default: ' ')

Specify separator between messages

const log = require('../lib');

const summLog = log
    separator: ' + '
    separator: ' = '

summLog('3'); // 1 + 2 = 3

streamStripEmptyTail (default: true)

Remove the trailing line breaks of outside stdout and stream chunks.