Put your entire cluster's log on a MongoDB to get the full story of what happens in your app !
Usage no npm install needed!
<script type="module">
import logdunum from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/logdunum';
Logdunum is made in order to make logging in a cluster of several servers a breeze, using MongoDB to store everything fast. It provides both an API for logging from your code, and a cli in order to show and filter your logs.
npm install logdunum
in your code, in order to log something :
var logger = require('logdunum')(module) // you should get it locally in each module to report the file
logger.info('hello, world')
logger.warn({hello: 'world', "goodbye in":5}, 'minutes')
as a client :
gt; logdunum -f -n 50
You can get help with the cli using --help :
gt; logdunum --help
Usage: logdunum [options]
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-n, --lines [number] Only output the last n lines
-f, --follow Output appended lines as their arrive
-l, --level [level] Filter lines by level, either as a regexp, or a comma separated list
-m, --min [level] Minimal level threshold, with trace < debug < log < info < warn < error < fatal
-u, --user [user] Output only what happened for user
-c, --no-color Output without colors
-d, --rawdate Output raw date, rather than humanized ones
-p, --fullpath Output full file path, rather than humanized ones
You can configure logdunum with everything available in lib/config.js thanks to cfg, so you can override settings thank to the process arguments using namespace 'logdunum' or by prefixing environnment variable with 'LOGDUNUM'