
Simple logger for your application

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import loggir from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/loggir';



Loggir is created to help fellow developers have a simple yet useful logging tool.

npm i --save loggir


Simply create a new instance of Loggir and start logging!

const Loggir = require("./index");

const logger = new Loggir({
  name: "api",
  path: "logs",
  fileName: "myLogs",
  format: "log",
  separate: true,
  timezone: "Europe/London",
  log: false

(async () => {
  await logger.error("Some error"); // [Europe/London 1/25/2020, 01:21:57] [api] [ERROR] "Some error"
  await logger.info("Some info"); // [Europe/London 1/25/2020, 01:21:57] [api] [INFO] "Some info"
  await logger.warn("Some warn"); // [Europe/London 1/25/2020, 01:21:57] [api] [WARN] "Some warn"



Logs an error with given text


Logs an info with given text


Logs a warn with given text



This is for you to know which logger this is.

Example: { name: 'api' }


Directory path to save logs in, prior to where loggir is launching from.

Example: { path: 'logs' }


Provide this to save your logs inside a file with the given name, not providing will result in an auto-generated name with month-day-year.format file.

Example: { fileName: 'mylog' }


Don't like to save your logs in .log? No problem, just provide the format (extension) and everything is set up!

Example: { format: 'txt' } - defaults to log


Tired of looking for errors in the same file as infos and warnings? We got you! just provide separate as true and loggir will log for you in separate files!

Example: {separate: true} - defaults to false


If you would like to get logs in a different timezone from your server's, just provide your desired timezone. (find yours: https://momentjs.com/timezone/)

Example: {timezone: 'Europe/London'} - defaults to local


You probably should set this to false, but if you are having troubles with loggir or simply want to get some fancy console.log 's set log to true.

Example: {log: false} - defaults to true

License - MIT