A client implementation for Sumologic in node.js.
Very simple to use. First of all, set up an account with Sumologic
Create an HTTP Collector endpoint
Now write a few lines of code to call logs-to-sumologic:
const Sumologic = require('logs-to-sumologic');
var collectorCode = 'YOUR_COLLECTOR CODE'
var endpoint = 'YOUR_ENDPOINT'
// ''
var url = endpoint + collectorCode;
const sumologic = Sumologic.createClient({
url: url,
name: "SumoHttpCollector", // Custom Source Name - optional
host: "", // Custom Source Host - optional
category: "env/host/service" // Custom Source Category - optional
* More info about name,host and category options are in section
* "Other Supported HTTP Headers"
* at
var cb = function (err, res) {
if (err) {
// handle error
// handle success
// contrived examples:
// single log message
var log = {test: "test only"};
sumologic.log(JSON.stringify(log), cb);
// or
sumologic.log(log, cb);
// bulk
var logs = [{test1: "test only"}, {test2: "test only"}];
sumologic.log(JSON.stringify(logs), cb);
// or
sumologic.log(logs, cb);
Optionally, setup a live tail to your HTTP Collector endpoint
You should see your logs appearing, eg.
Further information
Please see here for further information on uploading data to an HTTP Source using Sumologic.