
Create, install and preview Logwatch themes

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import logwatch from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/logwatch';


Theme Logwatch

I grew tired of the lack of finese in Logwatch's default HTML template so I put together this little Node.js tool to assist with creating, previewing and installing new themes.


Theme Logwatch provides two main functions.

  1. Install themes to Logwatch
  2. Create & preview your own themes


The application requires Node.js and npm to be installed, instructions can be found at nodejs.org.

With node installed run the following to install Theme Logwatch globally.

npm install -g logwatch


The application uses dotenv for configuration. Simply make a copy of .env.example named .env and change the settings.

cd /usr/lib/node_modules/logwatch
cp .env.example .env
nano .env


Install a theme

The install a theme function will copy the header and footer files from the named sub-directory within ./themes to the Logwatch theme location defined in the config file.

theme-logwatch install [THEME_NAME]

Create a theme

Creating a theme will simply copy the default theme files into a new sub-directory of themes for you to edit and then preview.

theme-logwatch create [THEME_NAME]

Preview a theme

Preview a theme with sample data in your browser.

theme-logwatch preview


Here are a few links, I came across during my research, that provide more indepth configuration of Logwatch: