
A nodejs implementation for sending metrics to Logz.io

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import logzioNodejsMetrics from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/logzio-nodejs-metrics';


Build Status


NodeJS metrics shipper for Logz.io. Based on the logzio-nodejs logger, it will send metrics to your Logz.io metrics account.

Sample usage

var metricsShipper = require('logzio-nodejs-metrics').createMetrics({
    token: '__YOUR_API_TOKEN__',

// sending metrics with send(metrics, dimensions)
  { cpu: 0.2, memory: 200 },
  { host: 'my-host', env: 'PROD' },

Note: If logzio-js is used as part of a serverless service (AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, Google Cloud Functions, etc.), add logger.sendAndClose() at the end of the run.


  • token Mandatory. Your API logging token. Look it up in the Device Config tab in Logz.io
  • type - Log type. Help classify logs into different classifications
  • protocol - http, https or udp. Default: http
  • host - Destination host name. Default: listener.logz.io
  • port - Destination port. Default port depends on protocol. http is 8070 and 8071 is for https
  • sendIntervalMs - Time in milliseconds to wait between retry attempts. Default: 2000 (2 sec)
  • bufferSize - The maximum number of messages the logger will accumulate before sending them all as a bulk. Default: 100.
  • numberOfRetries - The maximum number of retry attempts. Default: 3
  • debug - Should the logger print debug messages to the console? Default: false
  • callback - A callback function called when an unrecoverable error has occured in the logger. The function API is: function(err) - err being the Error object.
  • timeout - The read/write/connection timeout in milliseconds.
  • addTimestampWithNanoSecs - Add a timestamp with nano seconds granularity. This is needed when many logs are sent in the same millisecond, so you can properly order the logs in kibana. The added timestamp field will be @timestamp_nano Default: false
  • compress - If true the the logs are compressed in gzip format. Default: false
  • internalLogger - set internal logger that supports the function log. Default: console.

Update log



  • run npm install to install required dependencies
  • run npm test to run unit tests