
Client for lokalise.co

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import lokaliseClient from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/lokalise-client';


⚙️ Lokalise-client

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Easy way to fetch your translations from lokalise.co.

Based on official node-lokalise-api.

How to install

npm i lokalise-client --save-dev


yarn add lokalise-client --dev


Create config directory in root of your project.

Add default.json in config directory. Basic example:

  "translations": {
    "dist": "./src/locale/",
    "token": "%token%",
    "projects": [
        "id": "%project_id%"

Instead of json you can use other file format.

You can define several projects. Also you can extend project params by official lokalise api.

Fetch translations

In your package.json file add command "fetch-translations": "translations fetch".

Run command npm run fetch-translations.

Additional options

If you want to save translations files with some prefix, add prefix param.

If you want to clean directory with translations each time, set clean param to true.

If you want to save your translations as flat object, set useFlat to true and define delimiter param.

If you want to save declaration file for your translations, define declaration param:

"declaration": {
  "dist": "src/models"