
Lona cross-platform code compiler

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import lonac from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/lonac';


Lona Compiler

The Lona Compiler is a CLI tool for generating cross-platform UI code from JSON definitions.

The Lona Compiler is published on npm as lonac.



First, install the compiler with:

npm install --global lonac

You may also install locally to your current project if you prefer, by removing the --global.


For each command, you'll choose a code generation target: swift, js, or xml.

You can specify a framework using the --framework=... option.

In the case of js, the options are:

In the case of swift, the options are:

  • uikit: iOS
  • appkit: macOS


Here are a handful of examples. You can check out the scripts section of the package.json to see more targets/frameworks -- there is a snapshot command for each compiler target.

Generate workspace

This will generate the colors, text styles, shadows, custom types, and all components, writing them to output-directory in the same structure as the input workspace directory.

lonac workspace --target js --workspace [path-to-workspace-directory] --output [output-directory]

Generate colors

This will output the generated colors code to stdout. You may also pass the colors.json file through stdin instead of as a parameter, if you prefer.

lonac colors --target js --input [path-to-colors.json]

Generate component

The will output the generated component code to stdout.

lonac component --target js --input [path-to-colors.json]


To build the compiler from source, follow these steps.

This project is written in ReasonML, an OCaml dialect that can compile to JavaScript using BuckleScript.


1. Install ReasonML

Install from: https://reasonml.github.io/docs/en/installation

2. Install dependencies with yarn

From this directory, run:


Note: If you don't have yarn installed already, you can download it with npm: npm install --global yarn

3. Install a ReasonML plugin for your text editor

I recommend developing with VSCode and the reason-vscode plugin (there are several plugins, but this one is most reliable in my experience).

Build + Watch

yarn start

Running commands

The above examples can now be run by replacing lonac with node src/main.bs.js.