Loop Go
Basic asynchronous loop for an Array [] or Object {} that can return an accumulated object and modify it. Also, this has option to deep loop for complex Object.
Async/Await Style
const loop = require('loop-go');
const result = await loop(["1", "3"], ({ item }, next) => {
next({ number: item });
// Output: [{number: "1"},{number: "3"}]
Promise Style
const loop = require('loop-go');
loop(["1", "3"], ({ item }, next) => {
next({ number: item });
}).then((result) => {
// Output: [{number: "1"},{number: "3"}]
To install locally in a project, use;
$ npm install loop-go --save
loop(array, handleFun, true, true);
- The first is an Array [] or Json {} object.
- The second is a function that is called each iteration.
- The third is optional. This is for if you want a deep loop. By default is "false".
- The fourth is optional too. This indicates the return will be an Array [] or Object {}. If it is not specified, the return will be an Array [] if the enter is an Array [] and Object {}, if the enter is an Object {}.
Iteration function parameters:
loop(array, ({ item, key, object }, next, reject) => next(item), true, true);
- The first is a Json object with three variables: "item", "key", "object". "object" will be the accumulated object that is building in each iteration.
- The second is the function next to continue with the next iteration. This should be called alway into handleFun.
- The third can be used to finish the process by some controlled error or someone else error.
const loop = require('loop-go');
// Iteration without return
await loop(["1", "3"], ({ item }, next) => {
// Do something like make a external request or another promise process.
// Do something at final of the all process.
// Return Array
const result = await loop(["1", "3"], ({ item }, next) => {
next({ number: item });
// output: [{number: "1"},{number: "3"}]
// Return Array
const result = await loop({ number1: "1", number2: "3" }, ({ item }, next) => {
// output: ["1", "3"]
// Return Array with filter
const result = await loop({ number1: "1", number2: "3" }, ({ item }, next) => {
next((item === "3") ? item : false);
// output: ["3"]
// Return Object
const result = await loop(["1", "3"], ({ item, key }, next) => {
next({ ["number"+(key + 1)]: item });
},false, true);
// output: { number1: "1", number2: "3" }
// Return Object and modify result
const result = await loop(["1", "3"], ({ item, key }, next) => {
if (key === 1) next({ number2: "2", number3: item });
next({ ["number"+(key + 1)]: item });
}, , false, true);
// output: { number1: "1", number2: "2", number3: "3" }
// Return Object and modify a item from result
const result = await loop({ number1: "1", number2: "2", number3: "3" }, ({ item, key, object }, next) => {
if (key === "number3") next({...object, number1: "Modified", [key]: item });
next({ [key]: item });
}, false, true);
// output: { number1: "Modified", number2: "2", number3: "3" }
// using multiple promise
const result = await loop(["1", "3"], ({ item: item1 }, next, reject) => {
Promise.all([downloadImage(item1), downloadVideo(item1)])
.then((downloaded) => {
next({ image: downloaded[0], video: downloaded[1] });
}, (reason) => {
reject({ error: reason });
// output: [{ image: "/image1.jpg", video: "/video1.mp4"}, { image: "/image3.jpg", video: "/video3.mp4"}]
// return same object using deep loop
const result = await loop({ number1: [{},[],{ deep: 1 }],
number2: { deep: [1,2,3, { deep: "1"}]}, number3: [{}] }, ({ item, key }, next) => {
//All iteration should include this validation to hold the Object Format. Check if Key is a number or not. !key is for object empty.
if (typeof key === "number" || !key) next(item);
next({ [key]: item });
}, true);
// output: { number1: [{},[],{ deep: 1 }], number2: { deep: [1,2,3, { deep: "1"}]}, number3: [{}] }
$ npm test