
the dynamic superuser(admin) role for the loopback application.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import loopbackComponentRoleSuper from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/loopback-component-role-super';


Loopback Component superuser dynamic role

This loopback component add a new dynamic role: admin to become a super user.

You can use the loopback-component-role-user instead of it for more features.


  1. Install in you loopback project:

npm install --save loopback-component-role-super

  1. Create a component-config.json file in your server folder (if you don't already have one)

  2. Configure options inside component-config.json:

  "loopback-component-role-super": {
    "enabled": true,
    "role": "admin",
    "models": []
  • enabled [Boolean]: whether enable this component. defaults: true
  • role [String] : the role name. defaults: $admin
  • models [Boolean|Array of string]. defaults: true
    • enable the admin role to the models. true means all models in the app.models.
  • isAdminUser [Function(aUserId, aRoleName, callback)]: the callback function to check whether the aUserId is an admin user.
    • the callback function(err, result) the result should be a boolean.
    • defaults: the Role should has aRoleName and the RoleMapping should has a user with aUserId.


Just enable it on component-config.json.

set DEBUG=loopback:security:role:super env vaiable to show debug info.
