
LoopBack connector for Twilio

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import loopbackConnectorTwilio2 from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/loopback-connector-twilio2';



Twilio connector for LoopBack

Customizing Twilio configuration for examples

By default, examples from this module assumes the user has a Twillio account. To run the example you will need to provide your accountSid and authToken from Twilio and any Token string to use as apiToken.

The connector support the following aspects of the Twilio REST API:


In your LoopBack project:

$ npm install loopback-connector-twilio2

The model

Copy the model that is available in the node_modules/loopback-connector-twilio2 to your loopback_project/common/models

Using the Connector

To use the connector, define the datasource using the connector in your datasources.json file. I added the parameter apiToken so you can "restrict" people from using your API even without ACL set. You can use any string as a token:

"twilio-service": {
    "name": "twilio",
    "connector": "loopback-connector-twilio2",
    "accountSid": "YOUR_TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID",
    "authToken": "YOUR_TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN",
    "apiToken": "YOUR_API_TOKEN"  

Next, attach the created datasource to the provided model in the model-config.json file:

"Twilio": {
    "dataSource": "twilio-service",
    "public": true

Now, using the created model, you can send an SMS or make a call using the send method of the model:

Twilio.send(options, callback);

Note: options is defined by the JSON objects in the next two sections: Note: The only loopback operation that actually works is /TwilioMessages - Create a new instance of the model and persist it into the data source. All other methods are loopback default behavior but not implemented

Sending a SMS

    type: 'sms',
    body: 'TEXT_MESSAGE'

Making a Call

    type: 'call',
    url: 'URL_TO_TwiMIL_FILE'

NOTE: The url property points to an XML file that specifies a TwiMIL command.


