
Remote method decorators for loopback

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import loopbackDecorators from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/loopback-decorators';



Add remote method decorators to loopback.



Within your node project, install the package from npm using:

npm install loopback-decorators

Special Providers

Loopback decorators provides several special provider tokens for common remote method dependencies. These are:

Token Provides
$app The loopback application (similar to require('./server'))
$instance The model instance for non-static remote methods
$model The model being operated on (for both static and non-static methods)
$ctx The loopback http remoting context
$req The loopback http request
$res The loopback http response
$headers The incoming http request headers
$ctx.req.headers.to.something Pull arbitrary value off ctx
$optionsFromRequest See using options from request
$options Alias for $optionsFromRequest
^SomeModelName Any model registered in your loopback model registry

You can also setup your own providers (even with their own dependencies) as follows (see examples for further info):

  provide: 'tokenName',
  useFactory: (list, of, deps) => someValue,
  deps: ['$app', 'someDep', '^MyModel']

Example Remote Method

A basic controller:

import { RemoteMethod } from 'loopback-decorators';

  selector: 'getStuff',
  providers: [
      provide: 'customEntity',
      useFactory: function(modelName) {
        return modelName.customEntityƏ;
      deps: ['modelName'],
  meta: {
    accessType: 'EXECUTE',
    isStatic: false,
    description: 'Get some stuff from a models remote method',
    accepts: [
        arg: 'accessToken',
        type: 'any',
        http: function(ctx) {
          return ctx.req.accessToken;
    returns: { arg: 'res', type: 'stuff', root: true },
    http: { path: '/get-stuff', verb: 'get' },
export class GetStuffRemote {
  constructor(public app, public instance, public customEntity) {}
  async onRemote($accessToken) {
    // This is where you put the remote method logic

Example ModelEvent

A basic controller:

import {ModelEvent} from 'loopback-decorators';

  <!-- the loopback event -->
  selector: 'create',
  providers: [
    '$app', '$model', '^User'
export class DoSomethingOnCreate {
  constructor(public app, public Model, public User) {}
  async onEvent(inst) {
    // This is where you put the event method logic

Setting up your remote module

import { RemoteMethodModule } from 'loopback-decorators';

  remotes: [GetStuffRemote],
  events: [DoSomethingOnCreate],
  proxyFor: 'ModelInternal',
  proxyMethods: ['find', 'findById'],
export class ModelAPI {
  constructor(public Model: any) {}

export = function(Model: any) {
  return new ModelAPI(Model);

Validating Remote Inputs

  // ...
  meta: {
    accessType: 'WRITE',
    isStatic: false,
    description: 'Create a thing',
    accepts: [
        arg: 'payload',
        type: 'RequestModelType',
        http: { source: 'body' },
    returns: { arg: 'res', type: 'stuff', root: true },
    http: { path: '/things', verb: 'post' },
export class GetStuffRemote {
  constructor(public app, public instance, public customEntity) {}
  async onRemote(@Validate payload) {
    // Error will be thrown before `onRemote` is called if the payload is not valid

Returning an instance of another model as a response

export class GetStuffRemote {
  constructor(public app, public instance, public customEntity) {}

  async onRemote(payload: any) {
    // Result returned will be an instance of app.models.ModelContructorName

or, if you are returning an array

export class GetStuffRemote {
  constructor(public app, public instance, public customEntity) {}

  async onRemote(payload: any) {
    // Result returned will be an array of app.models.ModelContructorName

You can also pass the config directly:

  @Response({ responseClass: 'MyResponseClass' })
  // Or, for an array
  @Response({ responseClass: 'MyResponseClass', isMulti: true })

Proxy requests from one model to another

In some cases - you want to have your public API use strict ACLs but keep your internal models private yet still open to Admin type applications. In these cases, proxyFor allows you to proxy certain remote methods onto another model:

import { RemoteMethodModule } from 'loopback-decorators';

  proxyFor: 'ModelInternal',
  proxyMethods: ['find', 'findById'],
export class ModelAPI {
  constructor(public Model: any) {}

export = function(Model: any) {
  return new ModelAPI(Model);

The above example will allow your ModelAPI model to use find and findById as API endpoints which will talk to ModelInternal under the hood.

IMPORTANT NOTE The api model (ModelAPI in this case) MUST extend PersistedModel for the above to work as find and findById are methods of PersistedModel and not Model.
