
Auto-load Loopback User and Role models

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import loopbackLoadUser from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/loopback-load-user';


loopback-load-user, Configuration based module to auto-load static users

This module is used with Loopback to handle the creation of static users, roles and role mappings. Can easily work with extended models.


Simply pass the Loopback app and a configuration object to the module. This would normally be done from a Loopback boot script (e.g. .\server\boot\loaduser.js)

// Some module in the .\server\boot folder
module.exports = function ( app ) {
  var loadUser = require("loopback-load-user");
  // Create an Admin Role
  // Create a User named 'some-user'
  // Map 'some-user' to the Admin Role.
      'Role': {
        'data': [
            'name': 'Admin',
            'description': 'Can do anything!'
      'User': {
        'data': [
            'username': 'some-user',
            'password': 'default'
      'RoleMapping': {
        'data': [
            'user': 'some-user',
            'role': 'Admin'



Describes the roles to be automatically created


Name of the app.model to be updated with role data. Defaults to 'Role'.


Array of role items to be inserted or updated in the Role model. Note that the name property of each role must be specified. Other than name, any other property supported by the model schema is allowed.


Name of the role to be added to the Role model.


Describes the users to be automatically created


Name of the app.model to be updated with user data. Defaults to 'User'.


Array of user items to be inserted or updated in the User model. Note that the username property of each role must be specified. Other than username, any other property supported by the model schema is allowed.


Name of the user to be added to the User model.


Set to true in order to force users and roles to be updated, even if they already exist.

By default (i.e. overwrite=false), rows are only added if they do not previously exist.

To Be Added

  • Add Test Scripts
  • Consider extending to load any Loopback Model with static data