_(losand)._ is a monad imprementation on any Javascript
CTE is more likely about it!
New version is here!Usage
npm install losand
const _ = require("losand")
ex. inside ./lib subfolder
<script src=""></script>
_({a: 1}).join.a === 1
_({a: 1})._.a === 1
//map f(t1, t2)
const t1 = {a: 1}
const t2 = {b: 2}
_(t1).map(Object.assign, t2)._ === t1
t1.b === 2
//fit f(t2, t1)
_(t1).fit(Object.assign, t2)._ === t2
t2.a === 1
/* Monad Rows */
const a = {a: 1}
const k = x => _({a: x.a + 5})
const h = x => _({a: x.a * x.a})
const m = x => _(x)
** Left Identity
// map <- bind
_(a).bind(k)._.a === k(a)._.a
// fit <- link
_(a).link(k)._.a === k(a)._.a
** Right Identity
// map <- bind
m(a).bind(_)._.a === m(a)._.a
// fit <- link
m(a).link(_)._.a === m(a)._.a
** Associativity
// map <- bind
m(a).bind(x => k(x).bind(h))._.a === m(a).bind(k).bind(h)._.a
// fit <- link
m(a).link(x => k(x).link(h))._.a === m(a).link(k).link(h)._.a
// cash
_(3).map(n => n += 5)._ // 8
_(3).map(n => n += 5).re._ // 3
_({b: 1}).map(o => o.b += 1)._ // 2
_({b: 1}).map(o => o.b += 1).re._ // {b: 2}
// $ methods Chainable method
// ex1.
b: 0,
add (v) {this.b += v}
.$($ => $.add(5))
.$($ => $.add(5))
._.b === 10
// ex2. (prototype chain's method can work)
add (v) {this.b += v}
writable: true,
value: 0
.$($ => $.add(5))
.$($ => $.add(5))
._.b === 10
// $ have been chainable IO
add (v) {this.b += v}
writable: true,
value: 0
.$((v, $) => $.add(v), 5)
.$((v, $) => $.add(v), 5)
._.b === 10
//by return constructor
_({a: 1}).by._ === Object
_([1, 2]).by._ === Array
//is check type and after return it
_({a: 1}).is(Object)._ // {a: 1}
_({a: 1}).is(Array)._ // undefined
_({a: 1}).is(Array).re._ // {a: 1}
//isnt mismatch type and after return it
_({a: 1}).isnt(Array)._ // {a: 1}
_({a: 1}).isnt(Object)._ // undefined
_({a: 1}).isnt(Object).re._ // {a: 1}
//be is a passing test function
_(3).be(v => v === 3)._ === 3
_(3).be(v => v !== 3)._ === undefined
//fullen check all value isn't undefined or null
_({a: 3, b: undefined}).fullen === false
_({a: null, b: 4}).fullen === false
_({a: 3, b: 4}).fullen === true
_([undefined, 2]).fullen === false
_([4, null]).fullen === false
_([4, 2]).fullen === true
_({r: 128}).keys._[0] === "r"
_({r: 128}).vals._[0] === 128
_({a: {b: {c: 3}}}).get("a", "b", "c")._ === 3
_({a: {b: {c: 3}}}).get("c", "b", "a")._ === undefined
_({a: {b: {c: 3}}}).set(8, "a", "b", "c")._ // {a: {b: {c: 8}}}
_({}).set(4, "c", "b", "a")._ // {c: {b: {a: 4}}}
//been present methods and properties settings on wrapped Object's
const BT = _(function (v) {
this.v = v;
a (v) {
this.v += v;
return this.v;
b (v) {
this.v += v;
return this;
c (v) {
this.v += v;
_(new BT(3)).been.a(3).b(3).c(3)._ === 12
_(new BT(3)).been.a(3).b(3).c(3).to // return to _(_(new BT(3)).been.a(3).b(3).c(3)._)
_(new BT(3)).been.v(5).d(3, "e").e(3)._ // BT{v: 5, d: {e: 3}, e: 3}
//draw is wrapped Object assign from argumentate Object
_({a: 3}).draw({b: 5}).$($ => {
$.a === 3 // {a: 3} is keeping
$.b === 5
//cast is wrapped Object assign to argumentate Object
_({a: 3}).cast({b: 5}).$($ => {
$.a === 3
$.b === 5 // {b: 5} is keeping
//hold on wrapped Object from arguments and other object have same inheritance
_({a: 13, b: 24, c: 51, d: 40}).hold("a", "c", "f")._ // {a: 13, c: 51}
//crop out of wrapped Object from arguments and other object have same inheritance
_({a: 13, b: 24, c: 51, d: 40}).crop("a", "c", "f")._ // {b: 24, d: 40}
//pick up wrapped Array to argument Object and other object have same inheritance
_(["a", "c", "f"]).pick({a: 13, b: 24, c: 51, d: 40})._ // {a: 13, c: 51}
//drop out wrapped Array from argument Object and other object have same inheritance
_(["a", "c", "f"]).drop({a: 13, b: 24, c: 51, d: 40})._ // {b: 24, d: 40}
//turn is turn to key value pairing
_(["a", "b", "c"]).turn._ // {a: 0, b: 1, c: 2}
relate is pairing two Objects but each Objects have no property and no inheritance and
swap is call _().relate paired Object another one
_({c: 14}).relate({d: 23}).swap._.c === undefined
_({c: 14}).relate({d: 23}).swap._.d === 23
_({c: 14}).relate({d: 23}).swap.swap_.c === 14
_({c: 14}).relate({d: 23}).swap.swap_.d === undefined
_({c: 14}).relate(t1)
_(t1).swap._.c === 14
_({2: 24, 0: 1, 1: 35}).list // [1, 35, 24]
//define is Object.defineProperties on wrapped Object
_({a: 68}).define({
defined: {
configurable: true,
value: 123
})._.defined === 123
//create is create a new Object inherit on wrapped Object
_(a).create({})._ // Object.create(a, {})
) === a
//other is create same inherit Object
_(a).other({})._.constructor.prototype === a.constructor.prototype
//depend is create a new Object inherit on argumentate Object
) === a
//.give is a iterator of wrapped Object to apply on argumentate function
_({a : 1}).give((key, val) => {
console.log(key + ": " + val)
//json get JSONString
_({a: 1}).json === JSON.stringify({a: 1})
[2, 3, 4].each((v, k) => console.log(k * v))
//[].aMap is ApplicativeMap method on Both Way
[v => v + 2, v => v * 2].aMap([1, 2, 3]) // [3, 4, 5, 2, 4, 6]
[1, 2, 3].aMap([v => v + 2, v => v * 2]) // [3, 4, 5, 2, 4, 6]
//[].adapt fill gapes like Array.prototype.shift()
[2, 3, 4, undefined, 6, null].adapt(5, 7) // [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
//[].adaptRight fill gapes like Array.prototype.pop()
[2, 3, 4, undefined, 6, null].adaptRight(7, 5) // [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
//Generate Sequence Array
//x._(lim, step = 1) likely [x ... lim]
2 ._(12);
2 ._(26, 3);
//String.prototype.json get _(parsed_object)
_({a: 3}).json.json._.a === 3
//.from map in prototype
_(Object).from._ === Object.prototype
//.affix write up prototype object on constructor
_(function () {}).affix({
a : 3
}).from._.a === 3
//.annex define properties mapping prototype object on constructor
_(function () {}).annex({
b : {
configurable: true,
value: 5
}).from._.b === 5
//.fork inherit on constructor
Object.getPrototypeOf(_(Array).fork(function () {;
}).from._) === Array.prototype;
//.hybrid intterupt inhert on constructor
_(function () {})
.fork(function () {;
) === Array.prototype;
//.part is patial applying
_((x, y, z) => (x + y) * z).part(null, 2, undefined)(3)(4)._
_((x, y, z) => (x + y) * z).part(null, 2, undefined)(3, 4)._
_((x, y, z) => (x + y) * z).part(3, 2, 4)._
((x, y, z) => (x + y) * z)(3, 2, 4)._
//.cache presence delay and force
_((x, y, z) => (x + y) * z).done(3, 2, 4).re.done(5, 3, 7)._ === 20
//.recache presence delay and force mutate cached value
_((x, y, z) => (x + y) * z).done(3, 2, 4).re.redo(5, 3, 7)._ === 56
//.apply applying functions
_(10).apply(v => v + 10, v => v * 3)._ === 60
Event driven development
const EETest = _(EventEmitter).fork(function () {
const eeTest = new EETest()
a: 3,
"get" () {
this.a === 3 // true
this.put() // can call it
"put": () => {},
"post": () => {},
"delete": () => {}
b: 10,
"get" () {
this.b === 10 // true
this.put() // can call it
"put": () => {},
"post": () => {},
"delete": () => {}
//Example with Promise
const promise = new Promise((res, rej) => {
.then(v => _(v))
.then(v => v.draw(v => ({foo: foo(v)}))
.then(v => =>;