
A simple and light weight web framework for nodejs

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import majidai from '';



A simple and light web framework for nodejs with less then 50KB.
It does not install extra packages.
"majidai" is a configuration centralized webframework. It supports http,https and http2 protocol by default.

See here for Detail -


Build Status npm  GitHub license 

1. Installation

npm install majidai

2. Run

const majidai = require("majidai");
const server = new majidai();

open browser and access to http://your_ip_address

It should show following page.

3. Serve static files

"majidai" is a configuration centralized framework. Below is a example for serving static files. Please refer to comments for each parameter to know about their function.

const majidai = require("majidai");

// configuration
const config = {
    isDebug: true,  // it will show the access log and error log on console
    directoryIndex: "index.html",   // default page to display when directory is accessed
    directoryTraversal: true,       // it will list all the files if no directoryIndex was found (Default: false)
    http: {
        port: 80, // default port to listen request
        documentRoot: '/var/www/html' // files below this directory will be accessible through web

// pass above configuration while creating instance
const server = new majidai(config);

Put "index.html" below "documentRoot" and access to http://your_ip_address/


This sample shows the way to handle data sent by client. Refer to comments for detail information.

// import majidai
const majidai = require("majidai");

// create instance
const server = new majidai({isDebug: true});

// define POST routing at '/home'
// param enclosed between {} can be accessed as GET parameter"/home/{name}", function (request) {
    // get value for specific GET parameter
    var getData = request.mj.getParams("name");
    // if no argument is passed 
    // it will return all the Get parameters as json object

    // get all POST parameters as JSON object
    var postData = request.mj.postParams();
    // if argument is passed
    // it will return the value for that argument

    // send response
    // returning json object will respond as application/json to client
    return {get: getData, post: postData};

// start server

4. Docker

try with docker

docker run -it --rm -p 80:80 dakc/majidai npx /data/server.js

Open Browser and access to access to http://your_ip_address

See here for complete Documentaion

Release information

Sept 6th, 2020

  • ver 2.1.2
  • added "isDebug" property to config. By default it is set to off. If this property is set "true" then, majidai will show access log and error log on console.
const config = {isDebug: false}

July 27th, 2020

  • ver 2.1.0
  • added support for streaming audio and video
  • added directory traversal feature. By default it is set to off. We can set on by passing following parameter
const config = {directoryTraversal: true}

July 24th, 2020

  • ver 2.0.0
  • added support for https including http2 protocol. Below will be the configuration for creating https server.
const config = {
    https: {
        listen:true, // listen to https server
        http2:true, // activate http2
        pfx: "/path/to/certificate_pkcs12.pfx", // path to certificate at pkcs12 format
        passphrase: "if_password_was_set" // password if set while creating certificate
  • removed multipart/form-data support by default

June 21st, 2020

  • ver 2.0.0-alpha
  • removed cookie,session,logging functions
  • added stdout & stderr event emitter
  • merged "data" object to nodejs native request object
  • merged "respond" object to nodejs native response object
  • changed "customRouting" to "listen" for server propery
  • changed "plainText" to "plain" for respond propery

Oct 24th, 2019

  • added customRouting property which will help to listen multiple http methods for single route. The first argument should be an object having following format
    method: ['GET', 'POST'], // array of http METHODS
    routing:'/dashboard' // path
License - MIT