
This Angular Module allows you to generate a Random id with a custom formatter. CRC code generator added.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import makeid from '';



This Angular Module allows you to generate a Random id with a custom formatter.


npm install makeid


Import the module into your project under imports

imports: [


In your component file, import the module in the constructor

private makeId: Makeid

Then call any of the functions, like the eample below

const id ='000-AA')
const crc = this.makeId.crc()
const uuid = this.makeId.uuid()

console.log(id, crc, uuid)

Here is a sample of a component setup

export class AppComponent implements OnInit {

    private makeId: Makeid
    ) {}

  ngOnInit() {

    const id =
    const crc = this.makeId.crc()
    const uuid = this.makeId.uuid()

    console.log(id, crc, uuid)



Custom ID generator

To create a random id based on a pattern, with 3 numbers, 3 letters UC, 3 letters LC and 3 numbers including the dashes and brackets do the following

Pattern format

Chars Numbers use 0 Chars Uppercase use A Chars Lowercase use a

const id ='000-AAA-(aaa-000)')

CRC Code Generator

To generate a CRC code, use the following function

const id4 = this.makeId.crc()

Other Utils

Tests - Validations

  • isUpperCase - checks if string is uppercase
  • isNumber - checks if string is numeric
  • isSpecial - checks if string is special chars
  • hasSpecial - checks if string has special chars
  • hasNumbers - checks if string has numbers
  • hasChars - checks if string has charaters

Random Generations Helpers

  • randomStringNumbers - random number with padding (length) - 0012
  • randomNumber - random number (min, max) - 12
  • randomString - random string (length, case lower or upper) - AHJHasbbnsAHJHasbbns
  • RandomAlphaNumeric - random string of alpha numeric values (length) - 273gshaHGh
  • RandomFormat - random alpha numeric based on pattern (pattern 000-AAA) - 238-BFS
  • stringGroupParser - groups alpha and numeric values as array