
Implements a roving tab index on given collection of elements

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import makeupRovingTabindex from '';



Implements a roving tab index on given collection of elements


This module is still in an experimental state, until it reaches v1 you must consider all minor releases as breaking changes.


import * as RovingTabindex from 'makeup-roving-tabindex';

// get an element reference
const widgetEl = document.querySelector('.widget');

// create a roving tabindex instance on the element
const rovingTabindex = RovingTabindex.createLinear(widgetEl, 'li');

// listen for events (optional)
widgetEl.addEventListener('rovingTabindexChange', function(e) {
    // console.log(e.detail);

Markup before:

<div class="widget">
        <li>Item 1</li>
        <li>Item 2</li>
        <li>Item 3</li>

Markup after:

<div class="widget">
        <li data-makeup-index="0" tabindex="0">Item 1</li>
        <li data-makeup-index="1" tabindex="-1">Item 2</li>
        <li data-makeup-index="2" tabindex="-1">Item 3</li>


  • autoReset: the index position that should receive the roving tabindex when model is reset (default: null)
  • index: the initial index position of the roving tabindex (default: 0)
  • wrap : specify whether arrow keys should wrap/loop (default: false)
  • axis : specify 'x' for left/right arrow keys, 'y' for up/down arrow keys, or 'both' (default: 'both')


  • filteredItems: returns filtered items (e.g. non-hidden items)
  • index: the index position of the roving tabindex (i.e. the element with tabindex="0")
  • items: returns all items that match item selector


  • reset: will force a reset to the value specified by autoReset
  • destroy: destroys all event listeners

Custom Events

  • rovingTabindexChange
    • detail
      • fromIndex
      • toIndex