
ReasonML bindings for markdown-to-jsx javascript package

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import markdownToRex from '';



Table of Contents:

  1. Installation
  2. Usage
    1. Markdown
    2. JSX Extended Markdown
    3. Other options


npm i markdown-to-rex


Usage > Markdown

Just as the package markdown-to-jsx, you can you this one to parse markdown in ReasonML. Although the example below uses interpolated strings, you can still use the good old "Double quotes string :)".

let make = () =>
      # Hello
      ## there
      ### mate


  <h1 id="hello">Hello</h1>
  <h2 id="there">there</h2>
  <h3 id="mate">mate</h3>

Usage > JSX Extended Markdown

You can also use custom ReasonReact components, but there are some caveats... Firstyl, your component can't be passed directly as a prop (because of ReasonReact design).
Secondly, your component's props (arguments) can be undefined, so you have to handle that.
Here's a way to tackle these problems:

// Here's our component. As you can see, it's nothing special.
module FancyText {
  let make = (~prefix=?, ~children: React.element=?) => {
      // Helpers.vor does basically: (val, def) => val ? val : def
      {(prefix->Helpers.vor("") ++ " Fancy Text: ")->React.string}
      <strong> children </strong>

// Here's where the magic begins...
// This is our higher-order function which we can pass as a property
// It also needs to define all it's props
let fancy_text:
    children: React.element,
    prefix: string,
  }) =
  p =>
    switch (p) {
    | Some(p) => <FancyText prefix=p##prefix> {p##children} </FancyText>
    | None => <FancyText />

// After all of this hard work we can get to the good stuff - actually using out component

    overrides=[|("FancyText", fancy_text |> Markdown.override_of_component)|]>
      # Title
      <FancyText prefix="This is my "> it's fancy</FancyText>

To our Markdown component, we're passing all of our overrides in a form of

  string /*tag name*/, 
  override /*higher-order component passed through Markdown.override_of_component*/

Usage > Other Options

You can also use the forceInline and forceBlock options from the original package.

// They both default ot false (as stated in the original documentation)
<Markdown forceInline=true forceBlock=false>
      # Hello
      lorem ipsum dolor sit amet