
Marker Map is simple dynamic place marker by position to image and support responsive.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import markerMap from '';


Marker Map

Marker Map is simple dynamic place marker by position to image and support responsive.

enter image description here


  • Custom marker image and background.
  • Set active or inactive of marker (will be opacity reduce).
  • You can build game or event like treasure hunt.
  • And it's responsive.



npm install marker-map
import MarkerMap from marker-map


<script src=""></script>

Quick start

Put html for render.

<div id="show"></div>

Prepare data and config.

const data = [
    id: "myMarker1",
    width: 12,
    top: 34, 
    left: 54, 
    img: "./assets/place.svg" ,
    meta: {
      you: "customs data"
    width: 12, 
    top: 53, 
    left: 38, 
    img: "./assets/home.svg"

const markerMap = new MarkerMap()
markerMap.render("#show", {
    background: "./assets/treasure-map.jpg",
    markers: data


|Method|Description| |-|-| | .render(<string> query selector, <object> render options) | render with render options | | .add(<object> marker options) | add marker marker options | | .remove(<string> marker id) | remove marker| | .removeAll() | remove marker| | .active(<string> marker id) | set marker active| | .inactive(<string> marker id) | set marker inactive| |.activeAll()|set active all marker| |.inactiveAll()|set inactive all marker| |.getAll(<string> filter, <string> output type)|get list markers by filter all (default), active, inactive will return by output type json marker object (default), dom | |.on(<string> type event, <function> callback function)|create event on markers (ex. click, hover), will return callback event object| |.destroy()|destroy render|



|Name|Type|Default|Description| |-|-|-|-| | background | string | required | background image path. | markers | array | [] | marker options array to include on render.| | inactiveOpacity | number | 0.6 | opacity markers when inactive (0 - 1).|


|Name|Type|Default|Description| |-|-|-|-| | id | string | auto | will auto generate when empty. | width | number | required | set with import image by percent. | top | number | required | set potion from top by percent (0 - 100). | left | number | required | set position from left by percent (0 - 100). | img | string | required | marker image path. | meta | object | {} | add custom your meta data to marker.
