
mDNS listener, add as many .local hostnames to your computer as you like.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import mdnsListenerAdvanced from '';


mDNS Listener Advanced

Simple mDNS Listener to add and listen .local hostnames in your network compatible with zeroconf, bonjour, avahi

This script is tested on Windows 10, linux and mac os.

I recommand using python publisher since this code is fully compatible with it, if you dont have access to it you can contact me further bellow ;) I can make you an offer.

Note: The original idea was from @Richie765 and got updated and enhanced, few parts of the original code still exist.


npm install mdns-listener-advanced


Method 1

Provide hostnames list in the constructor like this :

const advanced_mdns = require("mdns-listener-advanced");
let mdns = new advanced_mdns(["myhost1", "myhost2"]);

The file .mdns-hosts is created automatically.

Method 2

Add and Edit the file named .mdns-hosts, this file must be in your HOME directory for windows [HDD]:\Users\<username>\.mdns-hosts and for linux ~/.mdns-hosts, place hostnames ending on separate lines like so:


You can specify the hostnames that you want to detect !

Whenever you change this file, you should restart the service.


You can use the function mdns.listen() like this:

  • Start listening
const advanced_mdns = require("mdns-listener-advanced");
let mdns = new advanced_mdns();
// If you don't have the file already created provide the hosts-----------------
// let mdns = new advanced_mdns(['myhost1.local','myhost2.local']);          // |
// mdns.initialize(); // deprecated
mdns.listen().on("response", (found_hostnames) => {
  console.log("found_hostnames", found_hostnames);
  // -- MORE CODE Here !
  // mdns.stop(); // you can stop as soon as you find something or leave it runing forever
  // --!
  • Stop Listening

Details :

Functions Params Type Description
new advanced_mdns(list_hosts) list_hosts Array<string> List of hostnames
new advanced_mdns(..,mdns_hosts_path) mdns_hosts_path string Full path of your .mdns-hosts
.listen().on(event,callback(object)) event string To catch a response event when set to "response"
callback function(object) callback to do custome code
object object a received object i.e {MyDevice1:{...}}
.stop() to stop the event listener

Debug :

If an error occured while initializing the mdns advanced you can open an issue on our github and help us to solve the issue by joining the logs by adding an option param :

const advanced_mdns = require("mdns-listener-advanced");
let mdns = new advanced_mdns();
let options = {
mdns.listen().on("response", (found_hostnames,false,options) => {
  console.log("found_hostnames", found_hostnames);

known / reported issues :

  • Not detecting avahi, zeroconf launched in the same machine (fixed)
  • The method initialize() does not exist anymore since 2.4.3 (wont-fix)

Want to contribute or have any suggestions or questions:

Contact me on Linkedin Here.

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Paypal : HERE