
AutoStyle is an extension for the Medium Editor.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import mediumEditorAutoStyleExtension from '';


AutoStyleExtension for Medium Editor

Version 2.0.0 is not backwards compatible.

AutoStyleExtension for Medium Editor allows auto-styling of words. The auto-styling is defined by a configuration object, which gets passed to the constructur.

In detail:

  1. Words and the CSS style to be applied to these words.
  2. Words and the CSS class to be applied to these words.
  3. Whether case matching is to be performed.
  4. Whether words only are matched, or substrings, too.

Try out the live example.


npm install medium-editor
npm install medium-editor-auto-style-extension

Usage (via NPM)


MediumEditor = require('medium-editor');
AutoStyleExtension = require('medium-editor-auto-style-extension');

Usage (via Header)


<script type="text/javascript" src="<path>/medium-editor.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<path>/auto-style.js"></script>

<style type="text/css">
    .combine-class-one {
        border: 2px dotted green;
    .combine-class-two {

<div class="editable">CömbineStyleAndClass, CombineStyles, CombineClasses, gräy gräyx, oraNGE oraNGEX, ÖÖÖ</div>

<script type="text/javascript">
var editor = new MediumEditor('.editable', {
    extensions: {
        'auto-highlight': new AutoStyleExtension({

            config: {
                sectionA: {
                    matchcase: false,
                    wordsonly: false,
                    class: 'combine-class-one',
                    style: 'color:red;',
                    words: ['CömbineStyleAndClass']
                sectionB: {
                    matchcase: false,
                    wordsonly: false,
                    style: 'background-color:#aaa;',
                    words: ['gräy']
                sectionC: {
                    matchcase: true,
                    wordsonly: true,
                    style: 'background-color:orange;',
                    words: ['oraNGE']
                sectionD: {
                    matchcase: true,
                    wordsonly: true,
                    class: 'combine-class-one',
                    words: ['CombineClasses']
                sectionE: {
                    matchcase: true,
                    wordsonly: true,
                    class: 'combine-class-two',
                    words: ['CombineClasses']
                sectionF: {
                    matchcase: true,
                    wordsonly: true,
                    style: 'border: 2px dotted green;',
                    words: ['CombineStyles']
                sectionG: {
                    matchcase: true,
                    wordsonly: true,
                    style: 'background-color:gold;',
                    words: ['CombineStyles']
                sectionH: {
                    matchcase: false,
                    wordsonly: false,
                    style: 'background-color:silver;',
                    words: ['ÖÖÖ']


Configuration at Runtime

Additional methods allow manipulation of sections during runtime

getConfig: function() {
setConfig: function(config) {
removeConfigSection: function(sectionName) {
setConfigSection: function(sectionName, sectionObject) {

// Applies all config styles to the text.
// Useful for triggering via external code.
applyStyles: function() {

Configuration at Runtime: Example

Changing the configuration does not cause re-evaluation of the content implicitly. Call the function applyStyles() manually to re-evaluate the style of the content.

var extension = editor.getExtensionByName('auto-style');

extension.setConfigSection('your-section-name', {
    matchcase: false,
    wordsonly: true,
    //class: 'a-class',
    style: 'color:red;',
    words: ['some','red','words']




  • Call extension.applyStyles() to apply configuration modification made during runtime
  • Tried to fix some weired unicode behavious during word matching.


  • Allows for CSS- and Class-combination of words present in more than one section.


  • Reworked configuration structure
  • Added unicode support
  • Added configuration modification during runtime


This implementation is based on the inbuild AutoLink plugin of Medium Editor.
