
Analyzes the metric of a verse in Spanish

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import metricaVerso from '';



Analyzes the meter of a verse in Spanish

It takes into account the synalepha and the diereis (I will soon add a function that predicts the hiatus based on a given metric).


npm install metrica-verso

Usage 1


import * as metrica from "metrica-verso";


const metrica = require("metrica-verso");
console.log(metrica.analyze("Un soneto me manda hacer Violante"));


  metricaSilabas: 11,
  totalSilabas: 12,
  palabras: [ 'un', 'soneto', 'me', 'manda', 'hacer', 'violante' ],
  silabasPorPalabra: [
    [ 1, 'un' ],
    [ 3, 'soneto' ],
    [ 1, 'me' ],
    [ 2, 'manda' ],
    [ 2, 'hacer' ],
    [ 3, 'violante' ]
  sinalefa: [ [ 'manda', 'hacer' ] ],
  dieresis: [],
  posibleDieresis: [ 'violante' ],
  posibleSineresis: [],
  posibleHiato: [],
  ultimaPalabra: {
    palabra: 'violante',
    rimaConsonante: 'ante',
    rimaAsonante: 'ae',
    tonica: 2,
    acentuacion: 'Grave (Llana)',
    silabas: [ 'vio', 'lan', 'te' ]

Values Definitions

metricaSilabas: number number of syllables taking into account the synalepha and the dieresis.

totalSilabas: number number of syllables without taking into account any kind of poetic license (real number of syllables).

palabras: string[] list of words entered.

silabasPorPalabra: [number, string][] number of syllables per word.

sinalefa: [string, string][] indicates between which two words there is sinalefa (count one less syllable per synalepha).

dieresis: string[] indicates if any of the words with hiatus has a dieresis added (one less syllable is counted per dieresis).

posibleDieresis: string[] show words that have a hiatus and therefore could be used with dieresis.

posibleSineresis: string[] shows words that have a diphthong and therefore can be broken to get one more syllable.

posibleHiato: [string, string][] shows where you could break the synalepha to get one more syllable in the verse.

ultimaPalabra: object contains information about the last word.

palabra: string last word.

rimaConsonante: string last word ending from the stressed syllable taking into account consonants and vowels.

rimaAsonante: string last word ending from the stressed syllable taking into account only vowels.

tonica: number indicates syllable position that has the accent of the word, but does not necessarily have an accent mark. That is to say the stressed syllable.

acentuacion: string indicates if the word is Aguda, LLana or Esdrujula. words stressed on the last syllable are Aguda, the penultimate syllable are Llana, and the antepenultimate syllable are Esdrujula. (Aguda -> +1 syllable || Esdrujula -> -1 syllable).

silabas: string[] last word separated by syllables.


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