
A UI for mocha and solidity contracts to simplify the integration testing of ethereum smart contracts

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import michikoidWeb3MochaUi from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/michikoid-web3-mocha-ui';



TDD ui for mocha js, extrended for use with smart contracts and web3.

Reason for this to exist: There are several implementations of mocha and ethereum around. Its a obvious and simple choice for the JSON rpc API. The test frameworks are mostly bundled with frameworks. So this aims to the purist.


npm install michikoid-web3-mocha-ui --save


The TDD and BDD style syntax is available. There are some extra methods available:

  • getWeb3() - gives you a configured web3 object
  • snapshot(fn) - creates a snapshot on testrpc
  • restore(id, fn) - restores a snapshot
  • getSnapshotIds() - get all snapshot ids as array

Design Rationale

  • this provides no deployment infrastructure
  • delivers pure web3 objects
  • goal: fast integration testing with testrpc