
The goal of this project is to provide structured Minecraft data for use in larger applications. The data covers both editions (WIP!) of the game, Bedrock and Java, with Bedrock being the "default" or tie-breaker. Additionally multiple versions of each game are supported, nominally back to 1.16. (Data for older version is welcome, if someone cares to enter it.) Missing or inaccurate data is considered a bug, so merge requests are very welcome!

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import minecraftStatistics from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/minecraft-statistics';


Minecraft Statistics

The goal of this project is to provide structured Minecraft data for use in larger applications. The data covers both editions (WIP!) of the game, Bedrock and Java, with Bedrock being the "default" or tie-breaker. Additionally multiple versions of each game are supported, nominally back to 1.16. (Data for older version is welcome, if someone cares to enter it.) Missing or inaccurate data is considered a bug, so merge requests are very welcome!


Install dependencies:

npm install

Write/edit code and verify formatting, tests et cetera for every commit.

Output from the linter is the source of truth for code formatting. This should be clean for every commit.

npm run lint:fix

Tests must be passing for every commit. New code should be covered by tests.

npm run test

Run a production build: This should also be clean for every commit.

npm run build