
A type-safe mixin helper function.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import mixWith from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/mix-with';



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A type-safe mixin helper function.


npm install mix-with --save



superclass is the typescript class to which you want to mix some feature.


class Foo {
  foo: string = 'foo'


catagory is a feature described by a function which maps a superclass(in parameter) to a anonymous typescript class(out parameter).


import { catagory } from 'mix-with'

const Bar = catagory(
  superclass =>
    class extends superclass {
      bar: string = 'bar'


mix is the core function of this library(mix-with).

To mixin features to your superclass, you should wrap your superclass with the mix function, which returns a special object with a method named with.

The input of with method is the catagories you want to mixin, the output of with method is the result class.


Basic usage

import { mix, catagory } from 'mix-with'

class Foo {
  foo: string = 'foo'

const Bar = catagory(
  superclass =>
    class extends superclass {
      bar: string = 'bar'

const Baz = catagory(
  superclass =>
    class extends superclass {
      baz: string = 'baz'

const Foobarbaz = mix(Foo).with(Bar, Baz)
const fbz = new Foobarbaz()

console.log(`${fbz.foo}${fbz.bar}${fbz.baz}`) // => foobarbaz

Type constraint of superclass

superclass could be constrained by an interface.


import { mix, catagory, Constructor } from 'mix-with'

interface ISuperClass {
  isSuperClass(): boolean

class Foo implement ISuperClass {
  foo: string = 'foo'

  isSuperClass() {
    return true

class FakeFoo {
  foo: string = 'foo'

// Type constraint of superclass
const Bar = catagory(
  (superclass: Constructor<ISuperClass>) =>
    class extends superclass {
      bar: string = 'bar'

      barMethod() {
        // method of ISuperClass

const Foobar = mix(Foo).with(Bar) // OK
const ErrorFoobar = mix(FakeFoo).with(Bar) // => TSError

Constructor type constraint of superclass

The type constraints of the constructor of the mixed result class is the same as the type constraints of input superclass.


  • The output anonymous class of a catagory should NOT have custom constructor.
import { mix, catagory, Constructor } from 'mix-with'

class Foo {
  // Constructor type constraint of superclass
  constructor(text: string) {

const Bar = catagory(
  superclass =>
    class extends superclass {
      bar: string = 'bar'

const Foobar = mix(Foo).with(Bar)

const foobar = new Foobar('somt text') // OK
const errorFoobar = new Foobar() // TSError