
This library help to construct modal dialog

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import modalViewer from '';



This library help to construct modal dialog


  • bootstrap

      "dependencies": {
        "bootstrap": "^5.0.1"  

    Import bootstrap in your project angular in angular.json

      "styles": [

    or in style.css

         @import "~bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css";
  • import modal in your application

    in app.module.ts

    imports: [



type of component to control open, close and status of modal

interface ModalController {
  open(context?: ModalContext): void;
  openWithListener(context?: ModalContext): ModalListener | undefined
  close(): void;
  isEnable: boolean;
  isReducible: boolean;

create modal

insert in html associate at your component

<modal [id]="'myId'" #modal></modal>

insert in your component's controller

@ViewChild('modal') private modal?: ModalController;

to open modal or close

  • modal?.open();
  • modal?.close();
  • modal?.openWithListener();
  • ModalUtils.openModal(undefined, 'myId');



could execute script when before and/or after open/close just this open modal

  modal?.openWithListener().open.after().subscribe(value => myScript());


by context interact with elements disable, change content, action when open/close

interface ModalContext {
  id?: string,
  timeout?: ModalTimeout;
  content?: ModalContent;
  open?: ModalAction;
  close?: ModalAction;
  disables?: ModalDisable;

interface ModalDisable {
  button?: boolean;
  cross?: boolean;
  header?: boolean,
  body?: boolean,
  footer?: boolean,
  decorator?: boolean,
  blackOverride?: boolean,
  background?: boolean,
  center?: boolean,
  scrollable?: boolean

interface ModalContent {
  title?: string;
  buttonCloseName?: string;

interface ModalAction {
  before?: () => (boolean | Observable<boolean>); // wait response if could open. default true if not subscribe
  after?: () => void;

interface ModalTimeout {
  timeout?: number;
  unit?: ModalTimeoutUnit;

-- context could be by default to modal or just only session open

  • default context:

    • options in component example
      <modal [id]="" [active]="" 
    (signalClose)="" (signalOpen)="" [afterClose]="" [afterOpen]="" backgroundDisable="true"
    blackOverrideDisable="true" [body]="" [header]="" [footer]="" 
    footerDisable="true" bodyDisable="true" headerDisable="" [content]="" 
    title="" buttonCloseName=""></modal>
    • just put context
    defaultContext: ModalContext = {};
    <modal [context]="defaultContext" #modal></modal>

options on controller

  • on open => modal?.open(myContext);
  • on open => modal?.openWithListener(myContext);
  • on open => ModalUtils.openModal(myContext, 'myId');


  • controller access in html
  header?: TemplateRef<any>;
  body?: TemplateRef<any>;
  footer?: TemplateRef<any>;

  signalOpen = new EventEmitter<() => BehaviorSubject<ModalContext | undefined>>();
  signalClose = new EventEmitter<() => BehaviorSubject<boolean>>();
  beforeOpen = new EventEmitter<() => BehaviorSubject<boolean>>();
  beforeClose = new EventEmitter<() => BehaviorSubject<boolean>>();
  afterOpen = new EventEmitter<void>();
  afterClose = new EventEmitter<void>();
  set context(context: ModalContext)
  set timeout(timeout: number | string | ModalTimeout)
  set timeoutUnit(unit: 'second' | 'minute' | 'millisecond' | ModalTimeoutUnit)
  set id(id: string | undefined)
  set content(content)
  set title(title: string)
  set buttonCloseName(buttonCloseName: string)
  set openAction(open: ModalAction)
  set closeAction(close: ModalAction)
  set disables(disables)
  set backgroundDisable(disable: boolean | 'true' | 'false')
  set buttonDisable(disable: boolean | 'true' | 'false')
  set crossDisable(disable: boolean | 'true' | 'false')
  set headerDisable(disable: boolean | 'true' | 'false')
  set bodyDisable(disable: boolean | 'true' | 'false')
  set footerDisable(disable: boolean | 'true' | 'false')
  set decoratorDisable(disable: boolean | 'true' | 'false')
  set blackOverrideDisable(disable: boolean | 'true' | 'false')
  set centerDisable(disable: boolean | 'true' | 'false')
  set scrollableDisable(disable: boolean | 'true' | 'false')
  set active(isActive: boolean | 'true' | 'false')
  • by typescript
import {ModalUtils} from './modal-utils';

  open(context ? : ModalContext)
  openWithListener(context ? : ModalContext)
  ModalListener | undefined

ModalUtils {
static openModal(context?: ModalContext, id?: string, timeout?: number,
                 unit?: ModalTimeoutUnit): Promise<ModalListener | undefined> 
static closeModal(id?: string): void


modal wait

just change body and could send context when open