
MySQL storage plugin and persistence layer for Modella.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import modellaMysql from '';



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MySQL persistence layer for Modella.


npm install modella-mysql


var modella = require('modella');
var mysql = require('modella-mysql');

var User = modella('User');

  database: 'mydb',
  user: 'root'


exports(settings, options)

Create a new Modella plugin with the given database settings and options.

settings same as settings for node-mysql


  • tableName The table for this model. Defaults to singularized model name.
  • maxLimit The maximum number of records to select at once. Default is 200.

Model.all(query, callback)

Get all models using given query.

User.find({ where: { city: 'San Francisco' }}, function(err, result) {
  // => { data: [...], limit: 50, offset: 0, total: 43834 }

The callback result is an object with the following properties:

data array of found models
limit maximum number of models returned (page size)
offset offset for pagination
total total number of models found with query

The limit, offset, and total properties are used in building pagination.

Model.find(id|query, callback)

Find a model by given id or query.

User.find(5, function(err, user) {; // => Alex

User.find({ where: { name: 'Alex' }}, function(err, user) {; // => Alex

Model.all(query, callback)

Find models using given query.

User.all({ $gt: { created_at: lastWeek} }, function(err, users) {
  // ...

The users object looks like:

  "total": 32443,
  "limit": 50,
  "offset": 0,
  "data": [user, user, ...]

Model.hasMany(name, params)

Define a "has many" relationship with given name and params.

User.hasMany('posts', { model: Post, foreignKey: 'user_id' });

// Creates methods:

user.posts(function(err, posts) {
  // ...

var post = user.posts.create();

Model.belongsTo(Model, params)

Define a "belongs to" relationship with given Model.

User.belongsTo(Post, { as: 'author', foreignKey: 'user_id' });

// Creates method:, user) {
  // ...

Model.hasAndBelongsToMany(name, params)

Define a "has and belongs to many" relationship with given name and params.

User.hasAndBelongsToMany(Post, {
  as: 'posts',
  through: PostUser,
  fromKey: 'user_id',
  toKey: 'post_id'

// Creates methods:

user.posts(function(err, posts) {
  // ...

var post = user.posts.create();, user) {
  // ...

Querying for relations

Any model with a "has many" relationship can be included in the results for Model.all() and Model.get() by specifying the name of the relationship in the req.query.include parameter. Related models will be added to model.related.

User.find({ id: 1, include: 'posts' }, function(err, user) {
  // => will contain the post models related to this user.


mysql before save

User.on('mysql before save', function(model, attrs) {
  // ...

user.on('mysql before save', function(attrs) {
  // ...

mysql after save

User.on('mysql after save', function(model) {
  // ...

user.on('mysql after save', function() {
  // ...

mysql before update

User.on('mysql before update', function(model) {
  // ...

user.on('mysql before update', function() {
  // ...

mysql after update

User.on('mysql after update', function(model) {
  // ...

user.on('mysql after update', function() {
  // ...

mysql before remove

User.on('mysql before remove', function(model) {
  // ...

user.on('mysql before remove', function() {
  // ...

mysql after remove

User.on('mysql after remove', function(model) {
  // ...

user.on('mysql after remove', function() {
  // ...


MySQL module.

Connection pooling

Models that share a settings object will share a connection pool, exposed via settings.pool.


The query is a subset of mongo-sql. The type, columns, and table properties are handled by modella-mysql.

Custom table / field names

Custom table names are specified using the tableName option. For example:

  database: 'mydb',
  user: 'root'
}, {
  tableName: 'users'

Custom field names are provided by a columnName property in the attribute definition. For example:

  .attr('firstName', {
    type: 'string',
    length: 255,
    columnName: 'first_name'
  .attr('lastName', {
    type: 'string',
    length: 255,
    columnName: 'last_name'

Date types

Attributes with type: "date" will be handled based on the columnType property. This property can either be "datetime", "timestamp", or "integer", corresponding to MySQL column type.

Data formatters

If you need to control exactly how a data-type is determined, set the attribute definition's dataFormatter function:

var Event = modella('Event');

Event.attr('date', { dataFormatter: function(value, Event) {
  value = Math.floor(value.getTime() / 1000);
  return value;


Tests are written with mocha and should using BDD-style assertions.

Tests require an accessible MySQL server. Configure the database using the following set of environment variables:

export NODE_TEST_MYSQL_USER="root"

Run the tests with npm:

npm test

MIT Licensed