
IOC support for Moleculer via Inversify

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import moleculerIoc from '';



Inversion of Control support for the Moleculer framework.

This package publishes a new IOCService class that extends the base Service class from Moleculer. IOCService creates an InversifyJS container, and registers the ServiceBroker instance into it. It requires an abstract method "modules" be implemented, which will return an array of Inversify ContainerModules. These are also loaded into the container. At the moment, in order to use the configured modules, your actions and methods will need to directly get what they need from the container:

const interestingService = this.container.get<IMyInterestingBusinessLayerService>(IMyInterestingBusinessLayerServiceType);

return await interstingService.interestingThing();

Automatic Injectables

moleculer-ioc binds a few objects into the container automatically.

  • ServiceBroker: the service broker can be injected via @inject(ServiceBrokerType)
  • Logger: the logger instance can be retrieved via @inject(LoggerType)

The context is not available via injection, because it changes per call, and this is not compatible with Singleton scope injections.