
Pipeline constructor for the aggregate method of a mongoDB collection

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import mongodbPipelineBuilder from '';


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-> Technical documentation <-


mongodb-pipeline-builder is a pipeline builder for the db.collection.aggregate method and db.aggregate method.

  • Simplify pipelines by making them more readable
  • Pipelines are easier to edit.
  • Pipelines are testable on a dataset.
  • Pipeline stages appear in an array.
  • Sequential stages for documents

npm package

npm i -S mongodb-pipeline-builder


Using require()

const PipelineBuilder = require("mongodb-pipeline-builder").PipelineBuilder;
const { EqualityPayload, OnlyPayload, Field } = require('mongodb-pipeline-builder/helpers');
const { LessThanEqual, ArrayElemAt, Equal, Expression } = require('mongodb-pipeline-builder/operators');

Using import

import { PipelineBuilder } from 'mongodb-pipeline-builder';
import { EqualityPayload, OnlyPayload, Field } from 'mongodb-pipeline-builder/helpers';
import { LessThanEqual, ArrayElemAt, Equal, Expression } from 'mongodb-pipeline-builder/operators';

Pagination example

const myNewPipeline = new PipelineBuilder( 'myPagination', { debug: true } )
    .Match( Expression( LessThanEqual( '$id', 20 ) ) )
    .Project( OnlyPayload( 'name', 'weight' ) )
    .Paging( 5, 3 ) // 5 per page, page 3

is equivalent to

const myNewPipeline = [ {
    $facet: {
        docs: [
            { $match: { $expr: { $lte: ["$id", 20] } } },
            { $project: { _id: 0, name: 1, weight: 1 } },
            { $skip: 10 },
            { $limit: 5 }
        count: [
            { $match: { $expr: { $lte: ["$id", 20] } } },
            { $project: { _id: 0, name: 1, weight: 1 } },
            { $count: "totalElements" }
} ];

No pagination example

const myNewPipeline = new PipelineBuilder( 'user-skills' )
    .Match( Expression( Equal( '$id', 123456 ) ) )
    .Lookup( EqualityPayload( 'profiles', 'profile', 'profileId', 'id' ) )
    .Project( OnlyPayload( 'firstname', 'lastname', 'email' ) )
        Field( 'skills', ArrayElemAt( '$profile.skills', 0 ) ),
        Field( 'availability', ArrayElemAt( '$profile.availability', 0 ) )
    .Unset( 'profile' )

is equivalent to

const myNewPipeline = [
    { $match: { $expr: { $eq: ["$id", 123456] } } },
    { $lookup: { from: "profiles", as: "profile", localField: "profileId", foreignField: "id" } },
    { $project: { _id: 0, firstname: 1, lastname: 1, email: 1 } },
    { $addFields: {
        skills: { $arrayElemAt: ["$profile.skills", 0] },
        availability: { $arrayElemAt: ["$profile.availability", 0] }
    } },
    { $unset: "profile" }

GetResult method

GetResult(): Promise<GetResultResponse | GetPagingResultResponse>

GetResult() is an asynchronous method that provides a very easy way to use aggregation pipelines on a target (collection or mongoose model having the aggregation method) with either pagination or not.


Without pagination, the GetResult() method returns a GetResultResponse object that contains two methods:

  • GetDocs(): any[] to get the documents found.
  • GetCount(): number to get the total number of documents found.

const result = await GetResult( target, pipeline ); 
result.GetDocs(); // () => any[]
result.GetCount(); // () => number


GetResult( target, pipeline ).then( result => {
    result.GetDocs(); // () => any[]
    result.GetCount(); // () => number
} );

GetDocs() method possibilities:

A particular document can be retrieved by specifying its index as an argument of the `GetDocs()` method.

To get the last document, the argument to provide is the string 'last'.

If the specified index is greater than the index of the last document, GetDocs() will return the last document.

// GetDocs() -> [document0, document1, document2, document3, ..., document51]
result.GetDocs(2); // will return document to index 2, document2
result.GetDocs('last'); // will return the last document, document51
result.GetDocs(99); // will return the last document, document51


With pagination, GetResult() returns a GetPagingResultResponse object that contains three methods:

  • GetDocs() to get the documents found.
  • GetCount() to get the total number of documents found.
  • GetTotalPageNumber() to get the total number of pages.

const result = await GetResult(target, pipeline);
result.GetDocs(); // () => any[]
result.GetCount(); // () => number
result.GetTotalPageNumber(); // () => number


GetResult(target, pipeline).then( result => {
    result.GetDocs(); // () => any[]
    result.GetCount(); // () => number
    result.GetTotalPageNumber(); // () => number
} );

-> Try the lib on NPM RunKit with the require method <-

-> Aggregation Pipeline Stages <-


  • AddFields
  • Bucket
  • BucketAuto
  • CollStats
  • Count
  • Facet
  • GeoNear
  • GraphLookup
  • Group
  • IndexStats
  • Limit
  • ListSessions
  • Lookup
  • Match
  • Merge
  • Out
  • PlanCacheStats
  • Project
  • Redact
  • ReplaceRoot
  • ReplaceWith
  • Sample
  • Search
  • Set
  • Skip
  • Sort
  • SortByCount
  • UnionWith
  • Unset
  • Unwind


  • Paging


  • Bucket ( GroupByPayload )
  • BucketAuto ( GroupByAutoPayload )
  • CurrentOp ( OpPayload )
  • GeoNear ( NearPayload )
  • Lookup ( ConditionPayload | EqualityPayload )
  • Merge ( IntoPayload )
  • Out ( DbCollPayload )
  • Project ( IgnorePayload | OnlyPayload )
  • Sample ( SizePayload )
  • UnionWith ( CollectionPayload )


  • Field: AddFields( Field ** ) | Facet( Field ** ) | Set( Field ** ) | Sort( Field ** )
  • List

* If no helper is available for a stage, use stage method and pass it a valid value as a parameter.
** One or more Field helper(s) separated by a comma.


Absolute | Accumulator | Acos | Acosh | Add | AddToSet | AllElementsTrue | And | AnyElementTrue | ArrayElemAt | ArrayToObject | Asin | Asinh | Atan | Atan2 | Atanh | Avg | BinarySize | BsonSize | Ceil | Compare | Concat | ConcatArrays | Cond | Convert | Cos | Cosh | DateFromParts | DateFromString | DateToParts | DateToString | DayOfMonth | DayOfWeek | DayOfYear | DegreesToRadians | Divide | Equal | Exponent | Expression | Filter | First | Floor | FunctionOperator | GreaterThan | GreaterThanEqual | Hour | IfNull | In | IndexOfArray | IndexOfBytes | IndexOfCP | IsArray | IsNumber | IsoDayOfWeek | IsoWeek | IsoWeekYear | Last | LessThan | LessThanEqual | Let | Literal | Log | Log10 | Ltrim | MapOperator | Max | MergeObjects | Meta | Millisecond | Min | Minute | Mod | Month | Multiply | NaturalLog | Not | NotEqual | ObjectToArray | Or | Pow | Push | RadiansToDegrees | Rand | Range | Reduce | RegexFind | RegexFindAll | RegexMatch | ReplaceAll | ReplaceOne | ReverseArray | Round | Rtrim | SampleRate | Second | SetDifference | SetEquals | SetIntersection | SetIsSubset | SetUnion | Sin | Sinh | Size | Slice | Split | Sqrt | StdDevPop | StdDevSamp | StrCaseCmp | StrLenBytes | StrLenCP | Substr | SubstrBytes | SubstrCP | Subtract | Sum | Switch | Tan | Tanh | ToBool | ToDate | ToDecimal | ToDouble | ToInt | ToLong | ToLower | ToObjectId | ToString | ToUpper | Trim | Trunc | Type | Week | Year | Zip