
mongodb-promisified wraps the mongodb 2.0.x driver and provides a promise based interface

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import mongodbPromisified from '';


A promisified MongoDB driver for ES6

The library wraps the 2.0.x driver with promises allowing you to access most of the functionality of the 2.0.x driver using your favorite Promise library.

Using the library

var co = require('co')
  , MongoClient = require('mongodb-promisified')().MongoClient;

co(function*() {
  // Connect to the database
  var client = yield MongoClient.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/db');
  // Insert a document
  var result = yield client.collection('test1').insertOne({a:1});
  // Get the documents
  var docs = yield client.collection('test1').find({}).toArray();
  // Close the connection
  yield client.close();
}).catch(function(err) {

Pretty straightforward to use the library with the generator library co and ES6. To use your favorite Promise library simply do the following when requiring the module.

var co = require('co')
  , Promise = require('bluebird')
  , MongoClient = require('mongodb-promisified')(Promise).MongoClient;

Not Supported functions

Grid FS is not supported by this driver.

Supported functions

The promisified wrapper supports most of the functionality of the 2.0 drivers but not all of it.

Db class

The supported functions are.


close command createCollection stats eval renameCollection dropCollection dropDatabase collections executeDbAdminCommand addUser removeUser authenticate logout


collection listCollections db

Collection class


insertOne insertMany bulkWrite updateOne replaceOne updateMany deleteOne deleteMany save findOne rename options
createIndex createIndexes isCapped dropIndex dropIndexes reIndex ensureIndex indexExists indexInformation indexes count distinct stats findOneAndDelete findOneAndReplace findOneAndUpdate parallelCollectionScan geoNear geoHaystackSearch group mapReduce drop


find aggregate listIndexes

Cursor class


toArray next


filter addCursorFlag addQueryModifier comment maxTimeMS maxTimeMs project sort batchSize limit skip

AggregationCursor class


toArray next


batchSize geoNear group limit match maxTimeMS out project redact skip sort unwind