
Публичный UI Kit компании Motorsport Network.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import motorsportUiKit from '';


Motorsport UI-Kit


Публичный UI Kit компании Motorsport Network.

Установка и использование

Для установки в проект необходимо:

npm i motorsport-ui-kit

Также, необходимо подключить стили библиотеки в любом удобном месте, к примеру в глобальных стилях проекта:

import "motorsport-ui-kit/dist/motorsport-ui-kit.cjs.development.css"

В случае использования компонента LilCards или GallerySlider содержащего слайдер необходимо, также подключить стили библиотеки react-image-gallery:

import "react-image-gallery/styles/scss/image-gallery.scss";

Используемый стек технологий:

  • React
  • Typescript
  • Next JS
  • CSS Modules + SCSS
  • Jest

Список доступных компонентов:

Breadcrumbs, Button, Checkbox, Chips, FileUploader, Input, SelectionControls, Select, Search, Modal, Overlay, LilCards, TextArea, SplitTwoColumns, GallerySlider, Accordion, SnackBar,

Examples with requires props (примеры базового использования, только обязательные props):

  • Breadcrumbs:
      href: '',
      name: 'Google home'
      href: '',
      name: 'Google docs'
      href: '',
      name: 'Workspace'
  • Button:
    onClick={function that will be executed by clicking}
  Default button
  • Checkbox:
  label="Remember Me"
  onChange={something function that is ready to accept the returned result onChange act}
  • Chips:
  changeFunc={something function that is ready to accept the returned result onChange act}
      chipName: 'Buy a Car',
      id: 0
      chipName: 'Sell a Car',
      id: 1
      chipName: 'Donate a Car',
      id: 2
  • FileUploader:
    onUploadFile={something function that is ready to accept the returned result onUpload file act} />
  • Input:
  onChange={something function that is ready to accept the returned result onChange act}
  • SelectionControls:
    onChange={something function that is ready to accept the returned result onChange act}
  • Select:
        {value: "ferrary", label: "Ferrary" },
        { value: "ford", label: "Ford" },
        { value: "bmw", label: "BMW" },
    iconAfter={something icon for render on the right in select}
    getSelected={something function that is ready to accept the returned result onChange act}
  • Search:
<Search searchName="search_name"
    onChange=(value, name, category) => (func which launch by change input's value)
    onEnterDown=(value, name, category) => (func which launch by keydown's Enter)
  • Modal:
        hideFunc={func which change status for isShowProp}
            <h4>Text text text...</h4>
  • Overlay:
<Overlay isShow type="dark_black" onClick={func which launch by click's event} />
  • LilCards:
            uploadFunc: () => func which upload fresh data for new cards render),
            uploadName: "Load More and More",
  • TextArea:
  onChange={something function that is ready to accept the returned result onChange act}
  • SplitTwoColumns:
    <section>Lorem 20 ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptatum nam numquam corrupti
    illo illum nostrum eligendi ipsam placeat quibusdam inventore.</section>
    <section>Lorem 20 ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptatum nam numquam corrupti
    illo illum nostrum eligendi ipsam placeat quibusdam inventore.</section>
  • GallerySlider:
<GallerySlider sliderImages={[
  {original: 'img_source', thumbnail: 'img_source'},
  {original: 'img_source', thumbnail: 'img_source'} ... etc.]} />
  • Accordion:
<Accordion list={[{
  id: 0,
  title: "Some title",
  content: "Some content,
}, etc.]}/>
  • SnackBar:
<SnackBar hideFunc={() => {}} message="Something was wrong" show />


The public UI Kit of the Motorsport Network company.

Installation and use

To install it in the project, you must:

npm i motorsport-ui-kit

Also, you need to connect the library styles in any convenient place, for example, in the global styles of the project:

import "motorsport-ui-kit/dust/motorsport-ui-kit.cs.development.css"

In the case of using the LilCards or GallerySlider component containing a slider, it is also necessary to connect the styles of the react-image-gallery library:

import "react-image-gallery/styles/css/image-gallery.css";

Technology stack used:

  • React
  • Typescript
  • Next JS
  • CSS Modules + CSS
  • Just

List of available components:

Breadcrumbs, Button, Checkbox, Chips, FileUploader, Input, SelectionControls, Select, Search, Modal, Overlay, LilCards, TextArea, SplitTwoColumns, GallerySlider, Accordion, SnackBar,

See the usage examples above.