
Web component to create paragraphs containing filler text.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import moxLoremIpsum from '';



Web component to create paragraphs containing filler text. This helps to fill your page with content during early development.

Install this package with:

npm install mox-lorem-ipsum

Then, you can simply add the component to your website by including it in the head of your html file:

<script src="node_modules/mox-lorem-ipsum/dist/mox-lorem-ipsum.js"></script>

And now, if you need to fill your body with lorem ipsum, add the following:

<!-- Displays one paragraph of lorem ipsum. -->
<mox-lorem-ipsum />


The API is very minimal. You can only specify the number of lorem ipsum paragraphs you want to display using the count attribute.

<!-- Displays three paragraphs of lorem ipsum. -->
<mox-lorem-ipsum count="3" />


Start the development server:

npm start

Run all tests:

npm test

Run only tests related to changed files since the last commit:

npm run

Build for production:

npm run build


Build with stencil.


Released under the MIT license.