
A very light-weight and simple mysql query builder lib, to write most commonly used mysql queries.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import msqlQb from '';



A very light-weight and simple mysql query builder lib, to write most commonly used mysql queries.

JavaScript Style Guide NPM License GitHub version

JavaScript Style Guide


  • I was trying to solve the issues with our current implementation of the models that were written in direct plain text query.`
  • It was creating so much of code duplicity and very error-prone each time if we made any changes.
  • Another issue was our Database has different styled column names in different tables. So to overcome from these problems, I build this package.


Simple but very useful mysql query builder. Build your common mysql queries with the special use case, where you can also covert your column names from the snake_case, upper/lower case to camelCase as aliases. Its doesn't have any dependencies. So very light-weight lib.


This is a Node.js module available through the npm registry.

Before installing, download and install Node.js. Node.js 10.22.0 or higher is recommended.

Installation can be done using the npm install command:

$ npm install msql-qb --save
$ npm i msql-qb --save



Important: use .build() method at the last in the method chaining. It must be called in the case of select query only not in any other case.

const QueryBuilder = require('msql-qb');
const qb = new QueryBuilder();

// use .build() method at the last in the method chaining. 
// And it must be called in the case of select query only not for any other query

// to select all columns
let query = qb
    .select()           // [col1, col2, col3, col4] can be passed in select
    .where("column", "val")
const qb = new QueryBuilder();
// to select the specific columns
let query = qb
    .select("col1, col2, col3, col4")  // array of columns also can be passed 
    .where("column", "val")
    .andWhere({col1: "val1", col2: "val2"})

group by, order by, limit, and offset also can be used in proper order with select query

const qb = new QueryBuilder();
// to select the specific columns
let query = qb
    .select(["col1", "col2", "col3", "col4"]) 
    .where("column", "val")
    .orderBy("col1", "DESC") // default is ASC


Please note that .build() method is not available for below queries, and you do not require it for non-select queries.

const QueryBuilder = require('msql-qb');

const qb = new QueryBuilder();
const data = {
  col1: "val1",
  col2: "val2",
  col3: "val3"
let query = qb.insert("tableName", data);

// or with prepared statement
query = qb.insert("tableName", {col1: '?', col2: '?', col3: '?'});


const QueryBuilder = require('msql-qb');

const qb = new QueryBuilder();
const data = {
  col1: "val1",
  col2: "val2",
  col3: "val3"
let query = qb.insert("tableName", data, true, {
    someColumn: "someVal"
// INSERT INTO tableName (col1,col2,col3) VALUES ('val1','val2','val3') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE someColumn = "someVal"


use all where conditions before update cause method chaining is not available after update.

const QueryBuilder = require('msql-qb');

const qb = new QueryBuilder();
const data = {
  col1: "val1",
  col2: "val2",
  col3: "val3"
let query = qb.where("column", "val").andWhere({column2: "val2"}).update("tableName", data);

// or with prepared statement
query = qb.where("column", '?').andWhere({column2: '?'}).update("tableName", {col1: '?', col2: '?'});


use all where conditions before delete cause.

const QueryBuilder = require('msql-qb');

const qb = new QueryBuilder();
let query = qb.where("column", "val").andWhere({column2: "val2"}).delete("tableName");

// or with prepared statement
query = qb.andWhere({column: '?', column2: '?'}).delete("tableName");

WHERE clause

  • Different where clause usages
  • all where clause are chain-able meaning you can call appropriate method after where.
const QueryBuilder = require('msql-qb');
const qb = new QueryBuilder();

// best use of it if there is only one column condition
qb.where("col", "val", "!="); // condition could be any valid condition eg: >=, <=, !=, is

// you can join multiple where together like this
qb.where("col", "val", ">=").where("col2", "val2", "<="); // all condition will be joined by AND operator

// if there are multiple column condition but with equality (=) then use this
qb.andWhere({col1: "val1", col2: "val2", col3: "val3"});

// to use multiple condition with OR operator
qb.orWhere({col1: "val1", col2: "val2", col3: "val3"});

// for where like
qb.whereLike("col", "val");

// or
qb.whereLike("col", "%val%");

// where in
qb.whereIn("col", ["val1", "val2", "val3", "valN"]);

// between - 2nd param array must be of length 2 with having two values
qb.whereBetween("col", ["valA", "valB",]);

Prepared Statement Queries

Set the 'preparedStatement' option either in class constructor or later also you can set using .setOptions({}) method.

const QueryBuilder = require('msql-qb');
// parameterized or query for prepared statements
// set the 'preparedStatement' option as true in queryBuilder;
const qb = new QueryBuilder({
  "preparedStatement": true

// or you can set this option later also as following
  "preparedStatement": true

Caution! pass the column value "?" as placeholder, as given in the example.

const QueryBuilder = require('msql-qb');
// pass the column values as '?' placeholder for value as given in below example
let query = qb
    .where("column", '?')

let query = qb
    .select("col1, col2, col3, col4")
    .where("column", "val")
    .orWhere({col1: '?', col2: '?'})

Special Use case

  • If you want to convert your column keys into camelCase format from the snake_case or from different lower and upper case formats.
  • You can enable this by setting 'convertColumnsToCamelCase' option in the builder class.
  • or you can pass the second argument as true in the select method. as given in example.
  • Caution, it will only work if you have mentioned column names in the select method.
const QueryBuilder = require('msql-qb');

const qb = new QueryBuilder({
  "convertColumnsToCamelCase": true

// or using 
  "convertColumnsToCamelCase": true

// or you can use it like this
let query = qb
  .select("col_name1, col_name2, col_NAME3, COL_name4", true)
  .where("key", "val")
  .orWhere({col1: "val1", col2: "val2"})


// SELECT col_name1 AS colName1, col_name2 AS colName2, col_NAME3 AS colName3, COL_name4 AS colName4 
// FROM tableName 
// WHERE key = "val" OR col1 = "val1" OR col2 = "val2";



  • It's recommended for basic select, insert, update, delete operations and other simple join queries with different where conditions.
  • It is not tested for very complex queries. Please do test before writing complex queries.
  • This is the first version, in the future version it might not be the case, and you will be able to build complex queries without any issue.