
A multi-functional picker that can be time-picker, date-picker or custom-picker.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import multiFuncPicker from '';



A multi-functional picker that can be time-picker, date-picker or custom-picker.

Notes | 简体中文

  • support:web-h5
  • picker skin: You can change the skin by change the CSS.


npm i multi-func-picker  or yarn add multi-func-picker


import 'multi-func-picker/dist/multi-func-picker.css'
import MultiFuncPicker from 'multi-func-picker'

/** time-picker **/
new MultiFuncPicker({
  type : 'time'
    console.log('single-time-result:', res);
new MultiFuncPicker({
  type : 'time',
  cur : ['08:08', '16:06']
    console.log('multiple-time-result:', res);

/** date-picker **/
new MultiFuncPicker({
  type : 'date'
    console.log('single-date-result:', res);
new MultiFuncPicker({
  type : 'date',
  cur : ['2020-08-08', '2021-06-09']
    console.log('multiple-date-result:', res);

/** custom-picker **/
new MultiFuncPicker({
  type : 'custom',
  data: data
    console.log('custom-result:', res);



  • let picker = new MultiFuncPicker(options, lang)
  • options
  • time-picker | date-picker | custom-picker
param type require default desc
options.type String -- date picker type. eg.time, date or custom.
options.level Number -- 3 picker level.
options.cur String or Array -- -- Initializes the selected state. If it has two initial values, it could be multiple picker, otherwise is single picker.
options.maxWidth Number -- 487 picker max-width.
  • date-picker
param type require default desc
options.range Number -- 10 before and after 10 years of the date-picker.
options.minDate String or Array -- -- the begin of the date-picker.
options.maxDate String or Array -- -- the end of the date-picker.
  • custom-picker
param type require default desc Array -- -- data that show in the custom-picker.
options.nameKey String -- name current level object-fields key.
options.textKey String -- text current level string-fields key.
options.listKey String -- list next level list-fields key.
level === 1
let data = [
    {code : 1002, text : '男'},
    {code : 1002, text : '女'}

let data = ['男', '女']
level === 3
let data = [
      name : {code : 1002, text : '福建省'},
      list : [
            name : {code : 2001, text : '厦门市'},
            list : [{code : 3001, text : '思明区'}]

let data = [
        name : '福建省',
        list : [
            {name : '厦门市', list : ['思明区']}
  • picker
method desc
picker.then(callback) picker result callback.
  • lang
param type require default desc
range String -- text of range to.
cancel String -- 取消 text of cancel btn.
confirm String -- 确定 text of confirm btn.