
express middleware for limiting the number of requests over a given time period using MySQL

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import mylimiter from '';




npm install --save mylimiter
mysql -u root -p exampledb < node_modules/mylimiter/mylimiter.sql


The bucket analogy is used heavily. A bucket holds drips. Drips represent requests. New drips are added each time the middleware function is called and expired drips are purged. When a bucket is full (i.e. the number of drips equals the bucket size), no new drips are added and an error is returned via next(err). The error will have the appropriate status: 429 when the bucket is full (i.e. too many requests) and 500 when something went wrong (e.g. couldn't connect to MySQL). Buckets are dynamic and are automatically created and destroyed as needed. Bucket names, sizes, and drip expiration are dynamic and can change on the fly. For example, there could be a bucket per user and during periods of low activity, the size could be larger and the drips could expiry more quickly.

myLimiter(poolOrConfig, bucketOrFunction, bucketSizeOrFunction, periodInSecondsOrFunction)


  • poolOrConfig - existing MySQL connection pool or a configuration object that can be passed to node-mysql to create a connection pool.
  • bucketOrFunction - String containing the name of the bucket (up to 64 characters) or a function which accepts (req, res) and returns a String containing the name of the bucket.
  • bucketSizeOrFunction - integer number of drips that can fit in each bucket or a function which accepts (req, res) and returns an integer number of drips.
  • periodInSecondsOrFunction - integer number of seconds corresponding to the drip time-to-live or a function which accepts (req, res) and returns an integer number of seconds.


  • express middleware function:
    • middleware function accepts (req, res, next). it also accepts (callback).
    • calls the drip() procedure in the database.
    • calls next() upon success, and next(err) upon failure.


"use strict";

var mylimiter = require('mylimiter');
var express = require('express');
var app = express();

app.get('/', function (req, res) {

app.use('/api', mylimiter({ // MySQL Config
                        "user": "mylimiter",
                        "password": "mylimiter",
                        "database": "example",
                        "host": "localhost"
                    function (req, res) { return req.ip; }, // dynamic bucket name
                    5, // bucket can hold 5 drips per time period
                    60 // time period is 60 seconds
                ), function (req, res) {

    res.json({ hello: 'world' });



For added security, create a separate user that only can call the drip() procedure:

GRANT EXECUTE ON PROCEDURE example.drip TO 'mylimiter'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'mylimiter';

