
A package that allows you to have a complete interaction with a MYSQL database, allowing to connect to the database, retrieve data and create queries.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import mysqlAllInOne from '';



All tools that a node developer needs to implements a connection and dataflow in a MYSQL database.

Query Builder

The query builder module is capable of building queries from Javascript Objects, Arrays or plain Strings.


const {QueryBuilder} = require('mysql-all-in-one');

QueryBuilder.setSchema('shop'); // This will set the default schema of the queries.

SET SCHEMA To set the default schema for all query functions, simply use "setSchema()" method. If no schema is set, the queries are not going to have any schema.

const query ='table')
// SELECT table.* FROM schema_name.table


let query;

query ='product');

query ='product', {
    select: {id: 'id', productName: 'name'}, // id as id, name as productName
    join: [
            type: 'left', // join type (INNER)
            table: 'product_category',
            on: 'product_category.productId =',
    where: {                                                            // WHERE conditions, by default uses 'AND' between conditions
        '': 1,                                                // id = 1
        '': "__LIKE__pen",                                  // name lIKE 'pen'
        description: "__%__blue__%__",                                  // description LIKE '%blue%'
        text: "bl__?__ck",                                              // text LIKE 'bl_ck' (will match for 'black' and 'block')
        'product_category.productId': [1,2,3,'a','b'],                  // product_category.productId IN (1,2,3,'a','b')
        price: "1.5__BETWEEN__2.5",                                     // (price BETWEEN 1.5 AND 2.5)
        isEnabled: true,                                                // isEnable IS TRUE (works for: false)
        categoryId: null,                                               // categoryId IS NULL (works for: undefined, witch is going to be 'NULL')
        isHighlighted: "__IS__NOT NULL",                                // isHighlighted IS NOT NULL (when __IS__ is used, the rest becomes SQL expression)
        userReviews: "__>__3",                                          // userReviews > 3 (works for: >, <, >=, <=, <>, !=, =)
        expirationDate:                                                 // expirationDate = STR_TO_DATE(expirationDate, '%d/%m/%Y')
            `__EXPRESSION__STR_TO_DATE(expirationDate, '%d/%m/%Y')`,    //  __EXPRESSION__ makes it a SQL expression
        __WHERE__:  `(size = (SELECT size FROM secondaryProduct WHERE id = 1) OR size IS NULL)`,
                                                                        // The __WHERE__ key will make another WHERE and concatenate it
    having: { // works exactly like WHERE
        expirationDate: "__LIKE__20/08/2000" // HAVING expirationDate LIKE '20/08/2000'
    group: "", // GROUP BYs are printed exactly like they are passed
    order: "STR_TO_DATE(expirationDate, '%d/%m/%Y')", // ORDERS are printed exactly like they are passed
    limit: 1000,
    offset: 10,


  • SelectObject can be a String, array of strings (they will be joined together with ",") or a normal object;
// This will be "SELECT, as clientName, clientRequest.productId"
const selectString = `, as clientName, clientRequest.productId`
// This will also be "SELECT, as clientName, clientRequest.productId"
const selectArrayString = [
    ` as clientName`,
// This will also be "SELECT, as clientName, clientRequest.productId"
const selectObject = {
    id: '',
    clientName: '',
    productId: 'clientRequest.productId',
// The result will be SELECT, as clientName, clientRequest.productId FROM client'client', {
    select: selectString || selectArrayString || selectObject,

WHERE OBJECT WhereObject can be a string, array of strings (will be joined with AND or OR) or an object

// This will be "WHERE id = 1 OR name LIKE 'john' OR clientRequest.productId IS NULL"
const whereString = `id = 1 OR name LIKE 'john' OR clientRequest.productId IS NULL`
// This will also be "WHERE id = 1 OR name LIKE 'john' OR clientRequest.productId IS NULL"
const whereArrayString = [
    `__OR__`, // this will make the glue between the String an "OR", if not passed will be "AND" by default
    `id = 1`,
    `name LIKE 'john'`,
    `clientRequest.productId IS NULL`,
// This will also be "WHERE id = 1 OR name LIKE 'john' OR clientRequest.productId IS NULL"
const whereObject = {
    __OR__: true, // this will make the glue between the String an "OR", if not passed will be "AND" by default
    id: 1,
    name: `__LIKE__john`,
    'clientRequest.productId': null
// The result will be SELECT client.* FROM client WHERE id = 1 OR name LIKE 'john' OR clientRequest.productId IS NULL'client', {
    where: whereString || whereArrayString || whereObject,

WHERE OPERATORS You can specify any SQL operator passing __{operator_name}__ Those are all operators: ['=', '>=', '<=', '<>', '>', '<', '!=', 'LIKE', 'IS'] between double underscore

const whereOperators = {
    score: '__>__300', // score > 300
    isAlive: '__IS__NOT FALSE', // isAlive IS NOT FALSE
    size: '__!=__5' // size != 5


  • To use IN pass an array
  • To use BETWEEN use the tag __BETWEEN__
const whereIn = {
    id: [1,2,3,4,5,'b'] // id IN (1,2,3,4,5,'b')
const whereBetween = {
    date: `"2020-10-10"__BETWEEN__"2021-10-10"` // (date BETWEEN "2020-10-10" AND "2021-10-10")
// If you use __WHERE__ as a key of the object, that's going to conside is another where
// That is usefull when you want to use array of string or a single string in your WHERE, combined with the advantages of the
// whereObject, or if you want to use the same key twice, that's also possible with this setup.
const whereInsideWhere = {
    __OR__: true,
    id: 1,
    name: '__LIKE__pedro',
    __WHERE__: {
        name: '__LIKE__joao',
        __WHERE__: [
            `size = 1`,
            `score >= 300`
// WHERE id = 1 OR name LIKE 'pedro' OR name LIKE 'joao' AND size = 1 AND score >= 300


  • To use LIKE with "%" >>> __%__
  • To use LIKE with "_" >>> __?__
const whereLike = {
    name: "__%__silva", // name LIKE "%silva"
    description: "__?__lack", // description LIKE "_lack"
    color: "__LIKE__red", // color LIKE "red"


  • To use a string like an expression, and not a STRING type inside a query, just make sure that the String contains the tag __EXPRESSION__ (That also works on INSERTS)
  • You can also use the key __EXPRESSION__ on the object, the string will be used just like
const whereExpression = {
    date: `__EXPRESSION__SQL_TO_DATE(DATE(), "%d/%m/%s")`, // date = SQL_TO_DATE(DATE(), "%d/%m/%s")
    age: `__>=____EXPRESSION__CALC_AGE_IN_YEARS(birthDate)`, // age >= CALC_AGE_IN_YEARS(birthDate)


  • false becomes IS FALSE
  • true becomes IS TRUE
  • null and undefined becomes IS NULL
const whereSpecialValues = {
    id: null, // id IS NULL
    isProgrammer: true, // isProgrammer IS TRUE
    isHealthy: false, // isHealthy IS FALSE
    isGood: undefined, // isGood IS NULL


  • Joins can be either an array of objects, or a single object for a single join;
  • They receive table, on, and optionally a type, select and the schema from the table;
  • If no type is passed, default is INNER;
  • The select will be appened to the "normal" selects;
  • The "ON" can be build the same way the WHERE can be build;
  • If the schema is passed to the join object, it will have preference over the QueryBuilder schema;
const join = [
        table: 'client',
        on: ' = product.clientId',
        type: 'left',
        select: {
            name: ''
        schema: 'products',
        table: 'productFile',
        on: {
            '': 'product.productFileId'


  • Join every query object above to build a single SELECT query;
  • Includes: select, join, where, having, order, group, limit, offset, schema;
const query ='table1', {
    select: '*', // See SELECT OBJECT to know more
    join: {table: 'table2', on: ' = table1.table2Id'}, // See JOIN OBJECT to know more
    where: {id: 1}, // See WHERE OBJECT to know more
    having: {fieldName: "__LIKE__column"}, // See WHERE OBJECT to know more
    group: '', // Literal string
    order: 'column DESC', // Literal string
    limit: 10,
    offset: 15,
    schema: 'schema1' // Will have preference over the schema specified in setSchema() method


  • Build an insert query;
  • The params are table name and the row or rows to insert;
const query = QueryBuilder.insert('table', [
    {name: 'test', someId: '__EXPRESSION__(SELECT id FROM someTable)'}, // __EXPRESSION__ will make the string a SQL EXPRESSION
    {name: 'test2', someId: null}, // All special types works normally like in WHERE object
    {name: 'test2', someId: false},
const querySingleRow = QueryBuilder.insert('table',{singleRow: true}) // Inserts only one row


  • Build an update query;
  • The params are the table name, data to update (object) and the where object;
const query = QueryBuilder.update('table', 
{name: 'newName'}, // Columns and values to update
{id: 1} // See WHERE OBJECT to know more


  • Build a delete query;
  • The params are the table to delete from and the where object;
const query = QueryBuilder.delete('table', 
{id: 1} // See WHERE OBJECT to know more