
A Naive Bayes Classifier.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nbayes from '';



nbayes is a lightweight Naive Bayes Classifier written in vanilla JavaScript. It classifies a document (arbitrary piece of text) among the classes (arbitrarily named categories) it has been trained with before. This is all based on simple mathematics. As an example, you could use nbayes to answer the following questions.

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  • Is an email spam, or not spam ?
  • Is a news article about technology, politics, or sports ?
  • Does a piece of text express positive emotions, or negative emotions?
const nbayes = require('nbayes')

let classifier = nbayes()
classifier.learn('happy',   nbayes.stringToDoc('amazing, awesome movie!! Yeah!! Oh boy.'))
classifier.learn('happy',   nbayes.stringToDoc('Sweet, this is incredibly amazing, perfect, great!!'))
classifier.learn('angry',   nbayes.stringToDoc('terrible, shitty thing. Damn. This Sucks!!'))
classifier.learn('neutral', nbayes.stringToDoc('I dont really know what to make of this.'))

classifier.classify(nbayes.stringToDoc('awesome, cool, amazing!! Yay.'))
// -> 'happy'

nbayes offers a simple and straightforward API, keeping it below 3kb (minified). It is a rewrite of ttezel/bayes and thoroughly tested.


npm install nbayes



Creates a representation of a document, which can be used to track words and their frequencies.


let d = nbayes.createDoc()
d.set('foo', 2)
d.increase('bar', 2)

d.has('FOO') // -> false
d.get('foo') // -> 2
d.get('bar') // -> 3
d.sum() // -> 5
d.words() // -> 2


  • has(word): If word has been added before.
  • get(word): Returns the count of word.
  • set(word, count): Sets the count of word.
  • add(word): Shorthand for increase(word, 1).
  • increase(word, d = 1): Adds d to the count of word.
  • sum: Returns the sum of all word counts.
  • words: Returns the number of distinct word.


Returns a document from the string. Special characters will be ignored. Everything will be lowercase.

Note: It is probably a better idea to use a proper tokenizer/stemmer and to remove stopwords to support non-Latin languages and to get more accurate results.

nbayes.stringToDoc('awesome, amazing!! Yay.').words()
// -> ['awesome', 'amazing', 'yay']


Creates a classifier, which can learn and then classify documents into classes.


let c = nbayes()
c.learn('happy',   nbayes.stringToDoc('amazing, awesome movie!! Yeah!! Oh boy.'))
c.learn('happy',   nbayes.stringToDoc('Sweet, this is incredibly amazing, perfect, great!!'))
c.learn('angry',   nbayes.stringToDoc('terrible, shitty thing. Damn. This Sucks!!'))
c.learn('neutral', nbayes.stringToDoc('I dont really know what to make of this.'))

c.classify(c.stringToDoc('awesome, cool, amazing!! Yay.'))
// -> 'happy'
c.probabilities(c.stringToDoc('awesome, cool, amazing!! Yay.'))
// -> { happy: 0.000001…,
//      angry: 2.384…e-7,
//      neutral: 1.665…e-7 }


  • learn(class, doc): Tags words of doc as being of class.
  • probabilities(doc): For each stored class, returns the probability of doc, given the class.
  • classify(doc): For doc, returns the class with the highest probability.
  • prior(class): Computes the probability of class out of all classes.
  • likelihood(class, doc): Computes the probability of doc, given class.


If you have a question, found a bug or want to propose a feature, have a look at the issues page.