
- #### The latest version is **2**. Note that the component names and available props are still different. - #### New package name: @takuma-ru/vue-swipe-modal The name of this package has been changed! Install the package at the following link.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nekooVueSwipemodal from '';


nekoo_vue_swipemodal v2.x


  • The latest version is 2.

    Note that the component names and available props are still different.
  • New package name: @takuma-ru/vue-swipe-modal

    The name of this package has been changed! Install the package at the following link. @takuma-ru/vue-swipe-modal(New package link)
  • End of Support.

    Version 2.0.5 and later will not be supported due to the above package transition. For 2.0.5 and later, please use @takuma-ru/vue-swpie-modal.


Modal window that can be swiped to close.(Swipeable Bottom Sheet)


Getting Started

  1. Install
npm i nekoo_vue_swipemodal
yarn add nekoo_vue_swipemodal
  1. Come on, let's use it.
    <button @click="modal = true">open</button>


import swipeModal from 'nekoo_vue_swipemodal'
import 'nekoo_vue_swipemodal/dist/swipemodal.css'

export default {
  name: 'App',

  data() {
    return {
      modal: false

  components: {


Modal General

Variable Type default Details
v-model Boolean false Control the opening and closing
dark Boolean false Dark mode


Variable Type default Details
persistent Boolean false Don't close it by pressing background (out of modal)
backgroundColor String #80808080 Background (out of modal) color


Variable Type default Details
fullscreen Boolean false Display in full screen mode (height: 100%)
noTip Boolean false Don't show the chip at the top of the modal.
contents-width String 100% Width of the modal
contents-height String 30vh Height of the modal
border-top-radius String null Radius at the top of the modal(This value takes precedence)
border-top-left-radius String 0px Modal upper left radius
border-top-right-radius String 0px Modal upper right radius
contents-color String white Modal background color
tip-color String #c8c8c8 Tip chip color
dark-contents-color String black Modal background color in dark mode