
SEO meta tags generator for NestJS

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nestjsMetatagsGenerator from '';


NestJS meta tags generator

NPM version npm download

Meta tags generator for NestJS MVC. Should be nice for SEO purposes.

In general, generator can make ~10k records per seconds and use ~80Mb memory for this. That's mean meta tags generation not be bottleneck with up to 10k RPS.


npm install nestjs-metatags-generator

How to use

In module file

import { MetaTagsGeneratorModule } from 'nestjs-metatags-generator';

  imports: [MetaTagsGeneratorModule.register()]
export class AppModule {}

In controller

import { MetaTagsGeneratorService, OpengraphTypes } from 'nestjs-metatags-generator';

export class MVCController {
  constructor(private readonly generator: MetaTagsGeneratorService) {}

  public async indexPage() {
    const fragments = this.generator.prepare({
      robots: 'index, follow',
      backgroundColor: '#962d2d',
      handheld: '',
      canonical: '',
      primaryColor: '#2a797c',
      siteName: 'Example',
      pageType: OpengraphTypes.article,
      description: 'Example site',
      title: 'Example site | Some motivation phrase',
      url: '',
      keywords: 'nestjs, typescript, nodejs, SEO'
    return {
      headFragment: fragments.head

Finally, you need place HTML output to template, like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" prefix="og:">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
