
Easy to use Angular2 directives for files upload ([demo](

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ngAdUi from '';


AD-UI npm version npm downloads

Easy to use Angular2 directives for files upload (demo)

Angular 2 Style Guide

Quick start

  1. A recommended way to install ad-ui is through npm package manager using the following command:

npm i ng-ad-ui --save

Using ad-ui in a project

  1. Install as shown in the above section.

  2. Import AdUiModule into the module that declares the component using ad-ui:

    import { AdUiModule } from 'ad-ui';

    you can also import the component you need from the specify module like this:

    import { AdUiTreeComponent } from 'ad-ui';

  3. Add it to [imports] under @NgModule:

    imports: [ ... AdUiModule, ... ]

API for AdUiTreeComponent


  • option - (AdTreeOption) - AdTreeOption object.

    url : string; 后台接口地址

    headers? : {[key: string]: any;} 传给后台的header

    additionParams? : {[key: string]: any;} 额外传给后台的参数

    ajaxFilterFn? : (data:any[])=>NzTreeNodeOptions[] 异步加载子节点后格式数据的方法

    additionRootData? : any[] 额外添加跟节点数据

    rootId? : string | number 根节点id

    formatDataFn? : (data:any)=>NzTreeNodeOptions[] 初始化后台返回的数据的方法

    api? : any 映射的treecomonent里的方法

    data? : any[] 树节点数据

    enableCheck? : boolean 是否显示checkbox

API for AdScrollBoxComponent


  • option

    @Input() datas : any[]; 数据集合

    @Input() scrollBoxTemplateDiy? : TemplateRef<{ $implicit: any}>; 自定义模版

    @Output() clickBoxEvent : EventEmitter; 点击节点事件