
This is an angular wrapper for Okta Auth JavaScript SDK.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ngOktaAuth from '';



This is an angular wrapper for Okta Auth JavaScript SDK.

Quick start

  1. npm i ng-okta-auth
  2. In app.module import OktaAuthModule.forRoot() and provide the necessary configuration:
import { OKTA_AUTH_PARAMS, OKTA_UNAUTHORIZED_URL, OktaAuthModule, OktaAuthParams, OKTA_USER_STORE } from 'ng-okta-auth';

const params: OktaAuthParams = {
  issuer: environment.oktaIssuer,
  clientId: environment.oktaClientId,
  redirectUri: window.location.origin + '/auth/callback',
  tokenManager: {
    storage: 'localStorage'

  declarations: [
  imports: [
  providers: [
    { provide: OKTA_AUTH_PARAMS, useValue: params },
    { provide: OKTA_UNAUTHORIZED_URL, useValue: '/login' },
    { provide: OKTA_USER_STORE, useExisting: UserStoreService }
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {
  • OKTA_AUTH_PARAMS (required): initial configuration of Okta. The full description of the interface you can find here.
  • OKTA_UNAUTHORIZED_URL (required): a route, where we redirect a user after logout or some authentication errors.
  • OKTA_USER_STORE (optional): a service for saving information about current user.

User store service should have the following interface:

export interface OktaUserStore {
  setOktaUser(params: OktaUserInfo | null): void;

  // reset the value of current user. Usually it's used after logout or some authorization errors
  resetUser(): void;


It's a core service for working with okta authentication. It has the following methods:

  • initAuthorization(): Observable<OktaUserInfo | null>- loads current user (using getUserInfo() method), based on auth token, and puts it in user store (if user store and user exist).
  • checkAuthenticated(): Observable<boolean> - checks if current user is authenticated. It doesn't information about user.
  • getUserInfo(): Observable<OktaUserInfo> - loads detailed information about authorized user.
  • login(username, password): Observable<OktaUserInfo> - login, loads (using getUserInfo() method) and puts an authorized user to the user store (if it exists)
  • logout(): Observable<void> - logout and clear information about current user in the user store (if it exists)