
This library provides Voice Recognition service to fill the form input fields (text, datepicker, textarea, button-click) for Angular application.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ngVoiceInputs from '';



This library use speech recognition feature to fill the input fields for Angular application. It supports HTML5 inputs and angular material inputs as well. It supports date, text, number fields.

To install:

npm install --save ng-voice-inputs


This plugin requires moment library to run flawlessly
Moment Js V2.24.0
npm install --save moment@2.24.0
NOTE: Please install momentjs v2.24.0 before using the module


Import the module NgVoiceInputsModule into AppModule

import { NgVoiceInputsModule } from 'ng-voice-inputs';

  imports: [NgVoiceInputsModule,...]
export  class  AppModule { }

Then use the component <ng-voice-input></ng-voice-input> to trigger / start voice recognition
And also add the directive vuiInput to all the input fields for which speech recognition service is required.


Example 1: With Angular Material Input Fields

<form  class="section left-section"  #form="ngForm"  (ngSubmit)="submitForm(form)">

    <ng-voice-input (onValueChange)="onResponse($event)"  [style]="styleOpts"></ng-voice-input>

    <div  class="row">

        <mat-form-field  class="col-6">
            <mat-label>Choose from date</mat-label>
            <input  matInput  [matDatepicker]="picker"  [vuiInput]="optionsDate"  name="fromDate"  ngModel>
            <mat-datepicker-toggle  matSuffix  [for]="picker"></mat-datepicker-toggle>
            <mat-datepicker  #picker  ></mat-datepicker>


    <div  class="row">

        <mat-form-field  class="col-6">
            <mat-label>First Name</mat-label>
            <input  matInput  type="text"  [vuiInput]="optionsText"  name="firstName"  ngModel>

        <mat-form-field  class="col-6">
            <input  matInput  type="text"  [vuiInput]="optionsNumber"  name="age"  ngModel>

    <input  type="date"  [vuiInput]="optionsDate"  name="dob"  ngModel>
    <button  mat-raised-button  [vuiInput]="">Submit</button>


Example 2: Angular basic form Inputs with ngModel

<form  class="section left-section"  #form="ngForm"  (ngSubmit)="submitForm(form)">

    <input  matInput  type="text"  [vuiInput]="optionsText"  name="firstName"  ngModel>
    <input  matInput  type="number"  [vuiInput]="optionsNumber"  name="age"  ngModel>
    <input  type="date"  [vuiInput]="optionsDate"  name="dob"  ngModel>
    <button [vuiInput]="">Submit</button>



    selector:  'app-root',
    templateUrl:  './app.component.html',
    styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss']

export  class  AppComponent  implements  OnInit {
    optionsText = {
        type:  'text'

    optionsDate = {
        type:  'date'

    optionsNumber = {
        type:  'number'

    optionsAddress = {
        type:  'address'

    optionsSelect = {
        type:  'select'

    styleOpts = {
        iconParse:  'icon icon-mic-green',
        animationParse:  'parse-green'

    constructor() {}

    ngOnInit(): void {}
    onResponse(evt) {
    submitForm(form) {



  1. VuiInputDirective (vuiInput) directive expects object InputOption.
InputOption: {
    type: string,
    format: string

InputOption.type: Possible values are: 'text', 'address', 'date', 'number'. Default: 'text'
InputOption.format: MomentJs date format. Default: 'DD/MM/YYYY'
  1. NgVoiceInputsComponent (<ng-voice-input></ng-voice-input>) component properties

    StyleOptions. Optional

StyleOptions: {
    containerClass:  string,
    iconStart: string,
    iconParse:  string,

StyleOptions.containerClass: Class name for the component. Default: 'centered'
StyleOptions.iconStart: Class name for mic icon when it is idle or before start of voice recognition. Default: 'icon icon-mic'
StyleOptions.iconParse: Class name for mic icon when it is listening to speech and parsing. Default: 'icon icon-mic'

    > `scrollOffset`: Page Scroll Offset which is to be scrolled. Optional. (Default: 200px)
    > `scrollDuration`: Page Scroll duration. Optional. (Default: 300ms)

    > `onValueChange`: Output Observable. Provides the value after speech recognition complete.

Demo Example

Angular Speech Recognition Forms