
File manager, based on Koa and Angular.js. Standalone, Koa-mountable. Import-able as ES6 and Babel module.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nodeFileManagerEsm from '';



screenshot v3


as Docker container

see DockerHub - docker-node-filemanager-esm

Standalone / CLI

Requires Node >= v10.5

# no installation required (linux, osx, win)
$ npx node-file-manager-esm -p 8080 -d /path/to/show --logging --secure --open


npm install -g node-file-manager-esm
node-file-manager-esm -p 8080 -d /path/to/show

or with port as environment variable (Heroku, Linux, OSX, IIS: iisnode uses the port-env as well)

$    PORT=8080 node-file-manager-esm
\>   set PORT=8080 && node-file-manager-esm
ps1> $PORT=8080 ; node-file-manager-esm


git clone && cd node-file-manager-esm && npm i
node --experimental-modules ./bin/node-file-manager-esm.mjs -p 8080 -d /path/to/show

Or use ESM + Node >= v4

git clone && cd node-file-manager-esm && npm i && npm i --only=dev
node ./bin/node-file-manager-esm -p 8080 -d /path/to/show

or Node < v12

node -r esm ./bin/node-file-manager-esm.mjs

or Node >= v13

node ./bin/node-file-manager-esm.mjs

We can run node-file-manager in terminal directly. We can specify the port add data root dir by -p and -d, default with 5000 and scripts directory.

Then, we can view http://localhost:8080/ in our browser.

koa app: how to mount

import fm from 'app-filemanager-esm';
var appFm = fm('/tmp/uploadpath', 'zip|txt|mp4').app; // see params: d & f
mainApp.use(mount('/fm', appFm));

So we can use it as koa app, mounted within another koa instance.

Major changes in this fork

  • updated to use a recent Koa
  • be koa-mount compatible
  • rewritten to be an ECMAScript Module (or Babel), works with both as well as the preferred esm module
  • has Multi file upload
  • Reduced dependencies


The Michael Jackson Script or .mjs (or modular JS) extension is used by NodeJs to detect ECMAScript Modules with the --experimental-modules flag in NodeJS prior to v13. Since Babel does have problems import.meta, the esm npm module is used to transpill the code for older node versions. See the files within the ./bin folder.

Standalone / CLI

The app can be started all by itself from the command line. You shoud set the --directory/-d to use and use the --secure option. As well as the --logging option.

node-file-manager-esm -p 8080 -d /path/to/show --logging --secure /path/to/htpasswd

CLI params

There are some configuration options for the commandline

  • -p | --port int -- [5000] can be set as environment variable PORT
  • -d | --directory string -- [current path] the path to provide the files from
  • -f | --filter string -- [zip|tar.gz|7z|7zip|tar|gz|tgz|tbz|tar.bz2||txt|jpg|png|avi|mp4] pattern, seperated by |
  • -s | --secure <string> -- is off by default, set it use BASIC-AUTH with the .htpasswd of the path provided, or leave empty for the htpasswd within the bin directory (default login is adam:adam)
  • -v | --version -- show the version number
  • -l | --logging <string> -- output logging info [using just -l or --logging resolves to --logging * and can be set as environment variable with DEBUG=fm:* as well. -l traffic will only show fm:traffic]
  • -o | --open -- Open the website to this service (localhost with selected port)

Environment variables

Fallback, if no param was used

  • FM_PORT -- tries FM_PORT then PORT if no port param was given
  • FM_DIRECTORY -- like -p
  • FM_FILTER -- like -f
  • FM_SECURE -- like -s
  • FM_LOGGING -- like -l

HTTP Basic Auth

The app is protected with simple http basic auth, so it's recommended to use it just over TLS (HTTPS). Let's Encrypt is your friend. ;)


Google for "online htpasswd generator". The more secure way is getting the required tools to generate a htpasswd file.

Manual setup

If you use linux you can simply use htpasswd comming with apache2-utils (on Debian/Ubuntu)

On Debian/Ubuntu do:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install apache2-utils

Manually add a user

The following command creates a new htpasswd file in the current folder with the user peter. After creating a new file copy it into the lib dir of the app or append the content of the new file to the existing one.

htpasswd -c ./htpasswd adam