
Convert Array of JSON to a table of plain text separated by \t and \n. This plain text format can be copy-pasted to MS Excel and Google SpreadSheet.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nodeSpreadsheet from '';



Convert Array of JSON to a table of plain text separated by \t and \n. This plain text format can be copy-pasted to MS Excel and Google SpreadSheet.

sheetToJson(textInput, columns) return array of JSON

  • Convert spreadsheet to JSON array.
  • Any empty lines or lines starting with '//' are ignored.
  • If the first character is \uFEFF, it is removed.
  • Columns are json specifying the data types and data names. example: ['columnName:int'] types can be (int|json|float|string)

jsonToSheet(jsonArray, columnOrder, comment1, comment2, ....) return textOutput

  • Convert JSON array to spreadsheet.
  • Type conversion is dynamic based on what is inside the JSON array.
  • Arrays are converted into string separated with comma.