
A JavaScript implementation of mean/variance, and a collection of regression methods for finding the trend of data using R language.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nodeStatistics from '';



A JavaScript implementation of mean/variance, and a collection of regression methods for finding the trend of data using R language.


npm install node-statistics


Must able to run R in shell, visit CRAM to have R installed.


nodeStat.mean(array, cb)

The first argument is an array of numeric value, and cb is a callback funciton of err and result


    { mean: ...,
      median: ...,
      min: ...,
      max: ...,
      sum: ...,
      variance: ...,
      stdDev: ...,
      quantile: { '0':..., '25':..., '50':..., '75': ..., '100':... } 
nodeStat.regression(method, array, array, cb)

The first argument is an string represents the method of regression, supported reggresion are linear, quadratic, cubic, log. The second and third argument are two array of numeric value, it is x and y value in regression respectfully. The last argument is a callbcak function.


    residuals: [...],
    p-value: ...,
    sigma: ...,
    coefficients: {
    variable : { Estimate: ...,
                 StdErr  : ...,
                 t-value : ...,
                 PrGtT   : ... }