
Verify Telegram Login hash signature

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nodeTelegramLogin from '';



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Check Telegram Login Widget hash manually or with an express.js middleware


Install through npm:

npm install --save node-telegram-login


Use it in your app like so:

const TOKEN = '<BOT_TOKEN>'
const TelegramLogin = require('node-telegram-login');
const MySiteLogin = new TelegramLogin(TOKEN);

if(MySiteLogin.checkLoginData(data)) console.log('Data is from telegram! ;)');
if(!MySiteLogin.checkLoginData(data)) console.log('Data is NOT from telegram :(')

You can use it like an express.js middleware like this:

const TOKEN = '<BOT_TOKEN>'
const TelegramLogin = require('node-telegram-login');
const MySiteLogin = new TelegramLogin(TOKEN);

app.get('/login', MySiteLogin.defaultMiddleware(), (req, res) => {
  console.log(res.locals.telegram_user) //null if not from telegram, contains login data otherwise;

Also it is possible to set a custom middleware with specified success and fail functions. Success function will be called with req, res, next and the login_data. Fail function will be called with req, res, next arguments. In this case you are responsable of calling next()

const TOKEN = '<BOT_TOKEN>'
const TelegramLogin = require('node-telegram-login');
const MySiteLogin = new TelegramLogin(TOKEN);

let success = (req,res,next,login_data) => {
  res.locals.telegram_user = login_data;

let fail = (req,res,next) => {

app.get('/login', MySiteLogin.customMiddleware(success, fail), (req, res) => {
  //do your stuff;